From Sarah, migrant shelter manager:
Don't live locally? Here's how you can help:
We are partnering with CCS to create a country-wide support network for asylum seekers. We are looking for two things:
1) a list of resources in your city that are available to asylum-seekers, such as: legal aid, education, medical, mental health, clothing/food banks, etc.
2) a group of supporters who are available on stand by should asylum-seekers be heading to their city to welcome and provide support if/as needed.
If you are able to help in one of these ways, please email me with your name and your city and how you'd like to contribute. Thanks!
We had a family come in this week with no identified sponsor. A very unique situation for us! And yet one that we could find repeated. Would you ever consider taking in a family?
Being a sponsor means providing for them until they are able to provide for themselves and making sure they get to all their court appointments. There is no financial aid for this kind of thing. They don't even qualify for government benefits. Most families are 2-4 people.
If you or someone you know might be able to at some point sponsor a family, let me know. You don't have to be local - you can be anywhere in the country.