6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, beginning February 4 at Shepherd of the Hills UCC, 5524 E. Lafayette Blvd., Phoenix, AZ 85018
Arizona Interfaith Power & Light and Catalyst Arizona (formerly the Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology) are proud to co-sponsor a dynamic new discussion series on Climate Change, featuring eco-theologian, bestselling author, and TEDx speaker the Rev. Michael Dowd.
Focusing on the intersection of science, spirituality, and sustainability, the course seeks to bridge the gap between head and heart, science and faith. The basic format for each 90-minute session includes conversation around background readings, a 20-minute video presentation, and guided discussion.
Exploring the concept of “eco-theism,” ProFuture Faith will guide participants on a journey toward accepting what is inevitable, avoiding what is futile, and inspiring all to attend to what is urgent. “Industrial civilization and humans’ insatiable appetites have us hurtling toward irreversible consequences—not in some distant future, but right now. The good news is that it’s not too late,” says Dowd.
$20 fee covers registration and materials for all 8 sessions. Attend one or all.
Feb. 4: Un-Trivializing God—Reality as a Thou
Feb. 11: The Purpose of Religion and Necessity of Science
Feb. 18: The Epic of Evolution—A Cosmic Timeline
Feb. 25: Thus Sayeth Reality—What Is Inevitable: What Is Needed
Mar. 3: Thus Sayeth Reality—What Is Futile: What Is Urgent
Mar. 10: Why We Struggle—Un-Trivializing Mythic Wisdom
Mar. 17: Impermanence and Death as Sacred—Embracing Limits
Mar. 24: Staying Sane, Sober and Inspired in Contracting Times
More information is available here. Contact David Felten with any questions at info@catalystarizona.org