Oppose the Proposed Updates to the National Environmental Policy Act

In mid-January, the Trump Administration proposed a plan to roll back the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which could cause great harm to God’s creation as well as to public health and safety. Please submit a public comment opposing the proposed changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

NEPA is a bedrock environmental law which requires federal agencies evaluate the environmental impact of each new project. For many frontline environmental justice communities, NEPA is more than an environmental law; it is a civil rights tool. NEPA evaluations must show any new project protects public safety. The Trump Administration's proposed rollback of NEPA would make analysis requirements less detailed for federal agencies, thus expediting projects such as pipelines and highways. As Christians we have a moral responsibility to care for the health and well-being of our neighbors and God's creation. This proposed NEPA rollback plan does the opposite.

We urge you to submit a public comment today! Please always check our Action Center for monthly actions you can take at www.creationjustice.org/action.
Annika Harley, Policy and Outreach Associate

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