How do we care for ourselves and others during social distancing?
Chicago Theological Seminary is committed to the ongoing support of its students, alumni, and community. The CONNECTS Forum provides an open platform to find and share valuable resources. Check it out HERE!
President and Professor Emerita Susan Thistlethwaite teaches "Writing for the Public Square." In this 15-minute YouTube tutorial learn how to more effectively communicate in online written form.
Resources for being church online. The Southern New England Conference is posting resources to help churches with streaming worship and other gatherings and with online giving.
"10 guidelines for pastoral care during the coronavirus outbreak." The Christian Century's Eileen R. Campbell-Reed responds to the question: How can we accompany people through this valley of anxiety, fear, and death?
NAMI presents "COVID-19 (coronavirus) Resources and Information". The National Alliance on Mental Illness has assembled an incredible guide covering topics including physical and mental health, lost wages, and incarceration.
The CONNECTS Forum. We invite you to post content such as stories, articles, sermons, and videos that may be helpful to our community.
Alumni Facebook Group. Join the online community for CTS graduates. We might be socially distancing, but we can still come together online.