Faith In Action

Org and Faith Leader Sign onto Strengthen Refugee Resettlement

Sign a Faith Letter to the Biden Administration: Urge the administration to set the FY 2022 Refugee Admissions Goal at 200,000 by signing this letter. Faith leaders and individual people of faith, sign here. Faith organizations, sign here.

The United States refugee resettlement infrastructure was decimated over the past four years and is in urgent need of investment and restoration.

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JPANet: Defend Reproductive Healthcare Access

JPANet: Defend Reproductive Healthcare Access

As a justice-seeking people, we cannot remain silent while state laws transform us into a map of “haves and have-nots” with regard to access to reproductive health services. Protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including safe, legal abortion – is an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to support passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act so any person is able to make their own medical decisions based on their values and with the consultation of their medical team, and without barriers imposed by economic status, employment status, or zip code.

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Invitation for faith leaders to sign climate methane letter

New Mexico folks: Barb received this letter last week from Sr. Joan Brown, Executive Director of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light and offers it for your consideration. Pass it on to anyone in your congregations that might be interested. View the letter here. To add your name, please send your name, faith affiliation or position and city to

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