Org and Faith Leader Sign onto Strengthen Refugee Resettlement

Sign a Faith Letter to the Biden Administration: Urge the administration to set the FY 2022 Refugee Admissions Goal at 200,000 by signing this letter. Faith leaders and individual people of faith, sign here. Faith organizations, sign here.

The United States refugee resettlement infrastructure was decimated over the past four years and is in urgent need of investment and restoration. We need to rebuild a strong U.S. refugee resettlement program now and increasing  the admissions goal to 200,000 can meet the humanitarian needs of refugees from Afghanistan and  other countries,  so that the country can once again welcome people seeking safety (Refugee Council USA talking points found HERE).

By September 30th, the administration is required by U.S. law to consult with leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees before setting next year’s refugee admissions goal.