It's Time to Re-Enter Iran Nuclear Deal

It's Time to Re-Enter Iran Nuclear Deal

As a Just Peace Church, the United Church of Christ has long advocated for diplomatic and peaceful engagement with Iran, and for the cessation of the “testing, production, and deployment of nuclear weapons.” We have spoken out on multiple occasions in opposition to inflammatory rhetoric and direct provocation that could ultimately lead to war. And the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) adopted a resolution at its 2015 General Assembly in support of the JCPOA.

We must take advantage of the opportunity before us and urge our representatives stand for peace and diplomacy now.

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It's Time to Pass the Equality Act

It's Time to Pass the Equality Act

The United Church of Christ General Synod has long advocated for the civil rights of LGBTQ people, grounded in the recognition of the God-given worth and dignity of every individual. We are called by biblical mandate to respect the full humanity of each person and to resist practices which deny individuals their full humanity. Support for the Equality Act is consistent with our longstanding faith calling to fairness and justice.

All of us are diminished when individuals are prevented from contributing the full measure of their talent and ability to society. Stand for fairness and urge your members of Congress to support the Equality Act.

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Our Faith Our Vote: For The People Act

Our Faith Our Vote: For The People Act

As people of faith, we believe in upholding the dignity of each person, which means protecting their sacred right to participate in the democratic process, unencumbered by voter suppression. It also means making sure all voices are lifted up, not just those who can afford a corporate political action committee. The For the People Act is an important step toward helping us live more fully into the promise of a democracy for ALL.

Please contact your Senators asking for their full support and swift passage of the For the People Act, so we can make sure that each person’s voice and vote are protected.

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Message from CM Rev. Bill Lyons re: significant immigrant policy actions

These actions are consistent with actions for which people of faith have called in their advocacy on behalf of migrant families and the pursuit of justice. They are consistent with UCC General Synod and Southwest Conference resolutions calling for the just and respectful treatment of our neighbors and for immigration policy reform.

As encouraging and important as these steps are, people of faith need to encourage local Border Patrol, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Department of Homeland Security officials to implement the new policies and to support them as they do so.

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Civil rights legislation in the NM House

We have a strong nondiscrimination law in New Mexico, but it can and should be even stronger. Our most vulnerable New Mexicans must be clearly and explicitly protected from discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity when using government or government-funded services.

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