Our NEXT Ministry and Church Vitality Committee (MCVC) Meeting: MARCH 3 “SPIRITUAL FORMATION: An Adaptive Paradigm for Many Ages in a New Age”

10 am - 3 pm, Saturday, March 3 at the SWC office

Our next MCVC meeting is a training event and meeting, open to anyone interested in looking at the theme of Spiritual Formation for your churches. 

Spiritual formation takes many forms. Traditionally, for the last 70 to 100+ years, it has taken the form of beginning with Sunday school for children, Confirmation, weekly youth groups, summer camp, adult Bible Studies and small groups, church-related college and seminary education. These paradigms served the Church very well, nurturing young people, passing the faith traditions to younger generations, teaching discipleship, and training for faith leadership and ministry.  Many of these paradigms, however, are struggling to be sustainable in our new age.

During this session, we will have a brief exploration of ways we can re-engage spiritual formation as an adaptive challenge, rather than trying to simply come up with a technical solution of yet another new and catchy program, hoping to attract participants. Join us for a discussion of experiences, creativity, naming frustrations, and sharing resources and ideas.  Learn why questions such as, “How can we attract young people to our church?” is the WRONG question to ask, and usually is self-defeating.

MCVC Church representatives are welcome to bring anyone else from your church, such as Sunday school teachers, youth leaders, pastors, adult education teachers, to the meeting. 

PLEASE email Wende Gonzales at wgonzales@uccswc.org with the number of people attending from your church.