ACM Search Committee Chosen

Associate Conference Minister Search.jpg

The Executive Board appointed a search committee to discern whom God is calling to be our new associate conference minister. The ACM search committee members are: 

Randy Mayer* (pastor, Good Shepherd UCC)
Rebecca Glenn* (SWC past moderator, lay member, Scottsdale UCC)
Janet Leung* (lay member, First UCC/Flagstaff)
Rock Fremont^ (pastor, Shepherd of the Hills UCC)
Wendy Spurgeon^ (lay member, Silver City UCC)
Conference Minister Bill Lyons

Three of the committee members served on the SWC Profile Committee (*); two are board members (^).

The ACM position has been posted nationally since February 1. The search committee will begin reviewing applicant ministerial profiles immediately. Interviews will be held in March. Both the Executive Board and the ACM Search Committee hope a candidate can be selected by the 2018 Annual Meeting; we are not, however, letting that date rush the discernment process.

SWC bylaws (lines 621-624) guide the Search Committee and Executive Board in this task.  

Professional Associates of the Conference Minister shall be called and elected by the Executive Board upon nomination by a subcommittee in consultation with the Conference Minister. Such Associates serving under specific job descriptions will be supervised by the Conference Minister and accountable to the Conference Minister and the EB.

Your feedback regarding the SWC Profile and through the conference-wide listening sessions also played a significant role in shaping this position. Thank you! All of us on the SWC leadership teams invite you to join us in prayer for the search committee as they complete their work and for the person God is calling to be our Associate Conference Minister.
