Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons to resign

October 1, 2022

Beloved Southwest Conference members,

The time has come for me to step down as Conference Minister. My time with you concludes on November 30, 2022. I have enjoyed this work of executive leadership immensely. And now my family and I need a lifestyle that allows me to care for the people I love most in this world in more hands-on ways, to return to my first love in ministry, and to enjoy the geography that feeds my soul. Ron and I have purchased a home in Canton, Ohio – a car ride close to most of our family members – where I have accepted a call to chaplaincy.

A letter cannot adequately express the gratitude filling my heart for the talented, visionary, and courageous staff members and leaders with whom I have been doing this work. We have done difficult and wonderful things together. We are on a journey to decenter whiteness in our churches and our communities. The SWC is financially sustainable. We are living the story of death and resurrection in the Body of Christ having closed several congregations, birthed one, and we are expecting the birth of two more. The culture of conference leadership shifted to align more closely with best practices for nonprofit good governance. We are investing SWC resources in local churches to ensure their vitality. And we are emerging from the pandemic with a deeper capacity to adapt and thrive in circumstances we experience as unstable, unpredictable, and beyond understanding. I appreciate all the ways you have helped me grow, shown me grace, and accepted my leadership.

I offer my encouragement to the ministry here as it unfolds in new ways, and to the one who will take up its mantel. Thank you for holding us in prayer as we enter our new community.

With gratitude and in service to Christ and the Church,

Rev. Dr. William M. Lyons
Conference Minister