Workshop for Pastors - 1/30-31/22 at Franciscan Renewal Center

The Presbytery of Grand Canyon is offering a two-day workshop on Pastoral Leaders and Emotional Maturity at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Phoenix, on January 30-31, 2023. The cost of the workshop is $99 for overnight stay and $49 for commuters. Participants may register by emailing

The presenters are the Rev. Brad Munroe, Pastor to the Presbytery, Grand Canyon and de Cristo presbyteries, and a colleague from Santa Barbara, California, the Rev. Jen Fraser. The workshop looks at leadership through the lens of family systems and will encourage participants to get clear about their leadership style, their triggers, and ways they might move toward greater self-definition with connection as they lead their congregations.

Registration will open to pastors from other denominations and judicatories after October 15.

Details here.