Giving Tuesday - November 29, 2022

Save the Date: Giving Tuesday is November 29th!

The UCC’s national setting Giving Tuesday donations will go to The Climate Hope Summer Fellowship Program. The Southwest Conference encourages donations to Casa De La Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones through the SWC portal. Is your church or organization participating in Giving Tuesday? Let us know!

Below is more information about the national setting’s project.

Turn Despair into Hope on Nov. 29

From the Jackson, Mississippi water crisis to the climate-related disaster of Hurricane Ian, we live in a time that calls for prophetic activists and advocates. In response to this need, the UCC is launching: The Climate Hope Summer Fellowship Program

With your Giving Tuesday gift, we will engage 12 youth and young adults across the country in environmental justice projects. Each fellow will be paired with a mentor and supportive UCC community. In their collaborations, they will explore topics like regenerative agriculture, curriculum education for school-aged children, and the theological perspective of creation care.

Check out Addy Stuever’s reflections on the Climate Justice Fellowship Program:

“When it comes to the damage done to our climate, no voices are as morally powerful and persuasive as those of youth and young adult climate leaders. They are the ones who will inherit the consequences of our society’s action or inaction in addressing the climate crisis presently faced. And they are stepping up to lead the charge.” Brooks Berndt, UCC Minister of Environmental Justice

Please prayerfully consider a Giving Tuesday donation to assist youth and young adults as they grow as activists and advocates for this critical work. Gifts will also support an Earth Day Summit next year and our Environmental Justice Ministries.

Our goal is $75,000. We have received matching gifts totaling $17,000! Are you interested in becoming a matching gift donor? Contact Rev. Kent Siladi at

To donate now, text UCCGT to 41444 or click to Donate.