Transition Team Report

As the transition team began its work, we were guided by the denomination through the national UCC Conference Minister Search Coordinator, the Rev. Lee Albertson. Calling a Transitional Conference Minister in a short period of time was unexpected, and you may be surprised at how quickly it all happened. This was also surprising to the transition team and the Executive Board. We acknowledge that it isn’t easy to welcome a new person when we are still grieving the person who just departed. At the same time, we recognize it is a gift to have found the right person to lead us as a Conference given the very short period of notice.

Through Rev. Albertson, a national search was conducted, yielding an initial pool of eight candidates. After listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance through prayer and discernment, this pool was narrowed to four final candidates and then two, who were then interviewed in depth by the transition team, with reference calls and vetting completed. Rev. Dr. Altonnette Hawkins, Associate Conference Minister in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference, was unanimously selected by the transition team and presented to the full Executive Board for affirmation, who then voted unanimously to enter into a covenant/contract with Dr. Toni as our Transitional Conference Minister beginning January 1, 2023. 

This process began prior to when you learned of the resignation of the Conference Minister, due to the need for and request of confidentiality. The transition team determined that as a Conference we had a solid foundation, financial stability, best practices in place as a nonprofit organization, and strategic projects in progress. We recognized that during Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons’ tenure as Conference Minister, interim work was undertaken, and that we were in a position to build upon that foundation. Who could lead us in continuing the work of restructuring, assisting churches in revitalization, furthering the effort of decentering whiteness, supporting Members in Discernment, possessing a genuine love for administration, and having an enthusiastic spirit and faith? Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins matched these needs for us as a Conference. Ideally, having someone in place sooner rather than later would provide stability and enable us to continue our growth and development as a Conference. Additionally, understanding the current climate of search and call, it was vital that we secure a candidate in a timely manner before they sought a position elsewhere.

We appreciate the spiritual gifting and leadership that Rev. Dr. Barb Doerrer-Peacock provides the Conference as the Associate Conference Minister and affirm her in this role. Barb was, in fact, the first person who was approached in this process, graciously agreeing to serve as Acting Conference Minister, thus providing continuity and bridging the gap between Bill and the Transitional Conference Minister. She expressed a willingness to continue in this role longer if needed, and she has expressed support to the transition team’s plan for the Conference. Namely,

  1. To invite the Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Barb Doerrer-Peacock, to serve as the Acting Conference Minister for the month of December with the option to continue longer if needed.

  2. To call a Transitional Conference Minister for 12-18 months beginning January 2023.

  3. To call a Settled Conference Minister by mid-2024.

We welcome the gifts that Rev. Dr. Toni Hawkins brings to the Southwest Conference and the ministry that we will engage in together with her.

In the Spirit,

Susan Valiquette

Scott Greenwood

Hubert Hirwa

Deb Church

Marvin Morgan

Dean Hokel