Town Hall Toolkit

This summer, town hall meetings with your Congressional representative and U.S. Senator are another great opportunity to make your voice heard. They “take the temperature” of their constituents at these events, and it’s our chance to turn up the heat for them on global warming. 

Click here to access the Interfaith Power & Light town hall toolkit and get all the resources you need to be an effective advocate.

Town hall meetings are not always held in a town hall these days – they might be in a library, a church, or even online. But these meetings are the places where our legislators find out what’s on their constituents’ minds.

Attend a town hall this summer and let your legislator know that you, as a person of faith, are concerned about climate change. Specifically, ask him or her where they stand on Clean Cars.

Right now, the most effective policy we have to cut carbon pollution is the Clean Cars Vehicle Emissions standards, and it’s under attack. If it's not implemented, millions of consumers will be denied access to the clean cars of the future and air pollution will worsen. But if our members of Congress hear from enough of us they will think twice before letting the automobile industry back out of the cleaner cars they promised to build.

As people of faith, it’s a moral imperative to speak out against policies that harm our planet and the most vulnerable among us. Vehicle pollution is responsible for about 90% of the smog that fouls our skies and shortens lives. Urge your Congressperson to stand up for Clean Cars.

Access Interfaith Power & Light’s town hall toolkit and get talking points, signs, materials, and information about where your town hall meeting will be held.

As we reflect on the birth of our nation this week, let’s honor one of the oldest American traditions – town hall-style meetings began in the 17th century – and directly engage in our democracy. We successfully pushed back on Scott Pruitt for his mismanagement of the EPA and failure to protect the environment, now it's time to push back on Congress!

Susan Stephenson
Executive Director
Interfaith Power and Light