Faith Leaders: Sign On to Protect Refugee Resettlement

We call on faith leaders to sign on to a faith letter supporting refugee resettlement and opposing nomination of an anti-refugee extremist for a key position in the administration.

Right now, the U.S. Senate is considering the nomination of Ron Mortensen, an anti-refugee extremist, who, if confirmed, would oversee refugee protection and U.S. refugee resettlement at the State Department. As we face the worst refugee crisis in global history with more than 25 million refugees worldwide, it is critical for anyone in this position to understand our moral, diplomatic, and legal obligations to protect and welcome the most vulnerable among us. The Senate is moving closer to a vote on this nomination, possibly this month. Our elected leaders need to hear from us today.

Here are the top 5 ways to take action: 

  1. Faith Leaders: Click here to sign the faith letter opposing the Mortensen nomination.
  2. Call Congress: Click here to tell your Senators to oppose the Mortensen nomination.
  3. Amplify in Press Statements: Click here for a sample press statement to send to local media outlets.
  4. Organizations: Click here to sign an organizational sign on letter opposing the Mortensen nomination.
  5. Education Your Community: Write to your local newspapers or media outlets through a Letter-to-the-Editor (LTE) or Opinion Editorial (op-ed). Click here for talking points. Use this tool to look up local newspapers and submit your LTE directly to them. A sample LTE is available in the interfaith toolkit.

Please check out the Interfaith Mini-Toolkit to Oppose Nomination of Anti-Refugee Extremist, Ron Mortensen, to Head U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for more resources:

As communities of faith, we resolved to honor refugees’ and immigrants’ journeys. Please share these resources and opportunities to engage Congress with your congregation, your family, and your community. More information about Mr. Mortensen is available here:

Thank you for standing in solidarity with refugees and immigrants at this critical time. Please let us know how we can support your important work.

In solidarity,

Meredith Owen, Esq.
Acting Director of Policy & Advocacy
Immigration and Refugee Program
Church World Service