A Letter from Judicatory Heads in New Mexico

We are still connected...

Emails, video conferencing, phone calls abound...but face to face time has ceased, traveling suspended, worship schedules cleared.  Thus, the quiet time I opened my tenure as your Interim continues.  The good news includes: though the Circo for Community and Justice was postponed, our Board consultation with consultant Mr. Barry Bartel continues.  The next few weeks will be filled with phone interviews.  Since Barry was in the collecting data phase, this works well.

Our Judicatory Heads agreed on a common letter...which unfortunately was adjusted several times to meet various newspapers guidelines! But the content (as published in the Albuquerque Journal on Sunday, March 22) is printed below. Please let us know if you saw something similar in your local newspaper; we submitted to 30 news outlets across the state. 

Use all those wonderful ways we have to stay connected; pray for one another; bless those who are suffering and frightened; reach out to your neighbors in need.  May your afflictions be few and may you not squander them.  

Peace,  Kay Huggins, Interim Executive Director, New Mexico Conference of Churches