Act to End Gun Violence

Even amidst a pandemic, the U.S. experienced more deaths due to gun violence in 2020 than in the past 20 years. Gun violence shades every aspect of life in America, from grocery shopping to our places of worship. Momentum on gun violence prevention legislation has been continually obstructed by our culture of gun adoration and near reverence for the Second Amendment.

The House of Representatives recently passed H.R. 8, the Background Checks Act of 2021, with bipartisan support. H.R. 8 would require background checks for gun sales and transfers in the United States. Senator Chris Murphy (CT) has introduced the companion bill in the Senate. Loopholes in background check laws have only been exacerbated during the pandemic. Passage of the Background Checks Act could have a direct impact on curbing gun violence.

In addition to the passing of this important legislation, Congress should be pushed to ban large capacity ammunition magazines, to implement extreme risk protection measures, and to pass the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which includes provisions to ensure domestic abusers, stalkers and those with restraining orders cannot have or buy guns. We are not powerless in making these changes; we can take steps to reduce gun violence.

Your Senators need to hear from you that we will not sit by and allow gun violence to be a part of everyday America. Our faithful voice cries out, “how long, oh Lord” will these attacks keep happening? In that grief, let our prayers become actions. Lend your voice by asking your Senator to support the Background Check Expansion Act.