Congratulations, Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, on the April release of Sisters In Mourning!

Congratulations, Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, on the April release of Sisters In Mourning!

“Caring for their mothers at the end of their lives and grieving for them after their deaths brought them together. Seven women from diverse racial, cultural, and religious traditions with differing sexual orientations and life experiences became seven "sisters in mourning," meeting to share their grief and to remember together--not only their mothers but themselves as daughters. This book is a rich compilation of narratives that emerged through vulnerable conversations--a spiritual, emotional, and existential exploration of the complexities of caring and grieving. As their grief transformed over time, and their friendship deepened, their understanding of who their mothers were and the nuances of their relationships with them continued to evolve. Sisters in Mourning invites readers to a journey of healing and insight.” (Amazon)


Dr. Jackson, one of the seven contributing authors, is a member of First Church/Phoenix and minister with standing in the SWC.

Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo, retired executive minister of UCC Justice Witness Ministries,. is also a contributing author. Congratulations and thank you!

Order through: publisher, Wipf and Stock