Faith In Action

Rev. Delle's reflections on "A Week of Faithful Witness at the Border"

Rev. Delle's reflections on "A Week of Faithful Witness at the Border"

Over one hundred church people from a mix of denominations, from all over the country - clergy and lay people  gathered at the Good Shepherd UCC and on both sides of the border. This Witness at the Border program is a response to the separation of migrant and asylum seeker families, and the public outcry for action to support these families, to stop the separations at the border, and place pressure on our elected officials to stop the violence perpetrated on this vulnerable population by our US immigration policies and practices.

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Faithful Witness at the Border group unites for communion and confrontation

Faithful Witness at the Border group unites for communion and confrontation

A service of communion on the Mexico side of the United States Border Wall on Tuesday, August 28, underscored the stark realities of current U.S. immigration policies and border militarization for more than 80 people of several faith traditions participating in the United Church of Christ’s Faithful Witness at the Border. Hours following that sacred vigil, a time of witness, with a demonstration at the U.S. Border Patrol Offices in Nogales, Ariz., as participants prayed for the detained children, their parents, border patrol agents and issued a moral demand — that families be reunited.

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Faith Witness at the Border forging immigrant justice connections across UCC

Faith Witness at the Border forging immigrant justice connections across UCC

More than 100 people from seven Conferences in the United Church of Christ, joined by members of three ecumenical partner Churches, are converging on the border town of Sahuarita, Ariz., for several days of study and service around immigrant justice.

The Rev. Bill Lyons, Conference Minister of the Southwest Conference UCC, the Rev. Randy Mayer, pastor of the host church, Good Shepherd UCC, and a half dozen members of the National Staff welcomed a majority of the participants during a Sunday evening supper August 26, to talk through understandings of Border/Immigration Ministries, review current U.S. immigration policy, and to share an itinerary that includes a trip to Nogales, Sonora, Mex., a communion service at the Border Wall, and a walk along migrant trails in the desert.

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From California to the Virgin Islands, the UCC Disaster Ministries Work Continues

From California to the Virgin Islands, the UCC Disaster Ministries Work Continues

The past twelve months have been very challenging for communities served by the UCC Disaster Ministries. Hurricanes. Floods. Fires. Tornados. Some suggest that due to climate change and other factors this is the “new norm”. The danger in that thinking is to become complacent. Our Disaster Ministries staff and volunteers have not been complacent but actively engaged in our communities. Below are some updates from California to the Virgin Islands. On behalf of our whole Disaster Ministries Team across the country I encourage you and your congregation to consider supporting our efforts (in fact, making them your efforts as well) in one or more of the following ways.

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Sanctuary Cities - Amicus Brief Update

Sanctuary Cities - Amicus Brief Update

The Southwest Conference was one of the amici in this case.

Three weeks ago, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the so-called Sanctuary Cities Executive Order unconstitutional. The Court found that federal funding could be withheld only with congressional authorization, and that the Executive Branch may not refuse to disperse federal grants without congressional authorization. Such a withholding would violate the constitutional separation of powers.

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Global Climate Action Summit and Climate March

Global Climate Action Summit and Climate March

The Global Climate Action Summit will bring leaders and people together from around the world to “Take Ambition to the Next Level.” It will be a moment to celebrate the extraordinary achievements of states, regions, cities, companies, investors and citizens with respect to climate action.

On September 8, 2018 People across the country will be gathering to demand bold action on climate, jobs, and justice. Faith Contingents will be a part of many of the marches.  Find below some of the IPL leading a group to their local Climate March.

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The Third Reconstruction: A devotional series for UCC congregations

The Third Reconstruction: A devotional series for UCC congregations

Our 3 Great Loves writers team has created a special devotional series intended to be a complement for UCC congregations and individuals as they reflect on the seminal book by the Rev. William Barber and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, The Third Reconstruction. May this reflection inspire not only awareness but responsive action to bridge racial divisions and truly live out God’s love by loving our neighbors. Download the devotional series.

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Neighbors in Need

Neighbors in Need

Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). The remaining two-thirds support local justice initiatives throughout the UCC.

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