Faith In Action

Land is Sacred: Stand With the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the very tribe that welcomed the Pilgrims in the 1600s, is at risk of losing what is left of their homelands due to a determination made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Why is this important?

The Mashpee Wampanoag, the People of the First Light, have occupied the same region for over 12,000 years and have faced diminishment of their homelands since colonization. The latest decision is a blow to Tribal sovereignty and undermines the future and sustainability of the tribal nation. The Tribe is asking Congress to protect its reservation lands and has put forth the "Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act (HR.312)." We are asking for signatures in support of this legislation.

Sign this petition

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United’s Shelter Dinners Feed Persons Who Are Homeless and Support Santa Fe Businesses! You Can Help!

As “shelter in place” directives developed in mid-March, United Church also increased its commitment to Santa Fe’s Shelters for persons who are homeless. Since it’s not feasible (or safe) to provide food from individual kitchens, they have contracted with “Felipe’s Tacos” to provide twice-weekly lunches for 100+ Interfaith Shelter guests. They are also continuing our monthly dinners for St. Elizabeth and Casa Familia (30+ guests for each).

They invite you to join this effort by contributing financially to United’s “Shelter Meals” outreach ministry.

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Opportunity to help

Holly Herman has been very involved with the effort to support the immigrant community through University Presbyterian and the East Valley Network. She's been sending out occasional summaries of the needs.

Currently they are asking for monetary donations for a particular congregation (Iglesia Christiana el Buen Pastor) in the network as many of their parishioners are experiencing severe financial stress as a result of the pandemic/lock-down. See how you can help.

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Tucson Mutual Aid

Tucson Mutual Aid

Tucson Mutual Aid is a collection of efforts operating in response to the coronavirus outbreak in Tucson, Arizona. Prioritizing assistance to folks with limited access, their efforts are focused on connecting people with food + sanitizing products and to facilitate the connection of resources with those needing them. Seeking support? Check out the RESOURCES section. Offering support? You can DONATE GOODS, DONATE MONEY, or VOLUNTEER.

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Online Book Group Discussion for Cathedral on Fire

Online Book Group Discussion for Cathedral on Fire

The UCC Environmental Justice Minister Brooks Berndt has written a book entitled Cathedral on Fire!: A Church Handbook for the Climate Crisis. It focuses our attention on the unique and vitally needed gifts that churches can offer in this dire time. The book is designed so that it can be read one chapter at a time by church groups.

Berndt himself will be facilitating a weekly teleconference discussion of the questions at the end of each chapter.

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How to help our immigrant neighbors in Flagstaff during this COVID-19 pandemic

We rely on the tireless labor of our immigrant neighbors. Today, they need to be able to rely on us.

By contributing to the COVID-19 Fund for Flagstaff’s Immigrant Families, you help local families and individuals pay their rent and utilities, buy groceries, and obtain urgently needed medical care. You also let them know they are valued in our community.

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Demand a fair and faithful census during COVID

As we move forward, the Census must be agile and flexible, committing to new ways of counting hard to reach populations. Since the Administration has been less than forthright in their management of the census thus far, we are calling on Congress to take an aggressive oversight role calling for transparency in methodology and timing – not truncating the census or using the COVID crisis to manipulate the census count. Please join with us, both in encouraging those you know to take the census, but also to advocate for the best count possible.

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Scottsdale Emergency Food Drive April 25-26

The South Scottsdale Ministerial Group in which Rev. Carol Reynolds of Scottsdale Congregational UCC participates is sponsoring another food drive to benefit Scottsdale Seniors and Vista del Camino Food bank.

Saturday and Sunday April 25-26, 10 AM-2 PM.

Drive through and drop items in bins at three locations:

First Baptist Church of Scottsdale 7025 E. Osborn Road, 85251

Shepherd of the Desert Church 9590 E. Shea Blvd, 85260, and

Pinnacle Presbyterian Church 25150 N Pima Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85255.

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Mask Makers: Scottsdale Congregational's youth and mission team

Mask Makers: Scottsdale Congregational's youth and mission team

A big thank-you to Scottsdale Congregational's youth and their mission team, who are busily assembling masks for staff at Phoenix Children's Hospital, as well as to Judy, who made 35 masks for personnel at Scottsdale Banner Behavioral Health. She has also been making and delivering masks to many individuals, including our Southwest Conference Minister Bill and Tina, the UCC weekend chaplain at Children's Hospital!

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Asylum-seeking Russian family in Tucson needs housing beginning 5/31

Parents are college-educated, a wife speaks English, her husband currently bikes to English classes. They have a 14-year-old daughter (English speaking) and 2yr old son. Have attorney, hearing postponed till September. Have a caseworker with the International Rescue Committee. Described as trustworthy and helpful. Have been with a volunteer from Rincon shelter. We have been contacted by Person from Rincon, Ginger Taylor 337-281-0187.  Any questions or ideas call Ginger or Gypsy Lyle 887-4933

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COVID-19: Recommended Preventative Practices and FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders

COVID-19: Recommended Preventative Practices and FAQs for Faith-based and Community Leaders

“Faith-based and community leaders continue to be valuable sources of comfort and support for their members and communities during times of distress, including the growing presence of COVID-19 in different parts of the country. As such, these leaders have the unique ability to address potential concerns, fears, and anxieties regarding COVID-19. Additionally, by reiterating simple hygienic precautions and practices, these leaders can broadly promote helpful information, managing fear and stigma, and restoring a sense of calm into the lives of those in their care."

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