Faith In Action

Beatitudes' wrapping up 2021 "with a bang"

Beatitudes' wrapping up 2021 "with a bang"

written by Gayle Lawson, Church of the Beatitudes:

Church of the Beatitudes’ Faith in Action committee wrapped up 2021 with a bang! Our Thanksgiving Food Drive resulted in 704 lbs. of food and $1050.00 being donated to Nourish PHX. Then we collected 314 pairs of socks which were given to Shoebox Ministry. Last but not least, Church of the Beatitudes made sure three families at Maryland School will have loads of presents and a Christmas dinner under their trees.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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UCC rallies to help December tornado survivors

UCC rallies to help December tornado survivors

Conference Ministers and Disaster Coordinators are contacting churches to learn of potential damages. Generous support of One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is enabling early response.

Members of the UCC Emotional and Spiritual Care Team are on standby. Kentucky and other VOAD partners including the UCC are meeting daily to coordinate clean up efforts.

Cash is the best way to help. Designate 2021 Severe Storms / December Tornados.

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A letter from Cruzando Fronteras

A letter from Cruzando Fronteras

“It has been a critical year for our ministry. Most importantly, the United States started processing asylum claims, and every one of the over 200 migrants who had been waiting for the entire pandemic made it safely and legally across the border to begin their asylum process. Laughter and tears accompanied every departure, as family after family passed through their credible fear interview and joined family or friends in the U.S. as they await further determinations. Over 500 people have now made it through in 2021 so far. As people enter the United States, La Casa takes in new families, with our shelter generally housing 120-150 people. More than 50% are children—in fact, in October of this year, four babies were born to parents at La Casa, including one who was actually born in our dormitory!”

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Protect Reproductive Healthcare Access

Protect Reproductive Healthcare Access

As a justice-seeking people, we cannot remain silent while state laws transform us into a map of “haves and have-nots” with regard to access to reproductive health services. Protecting access to the full range of reproductive health care for all – including safe, legal abortion – is an imperative rooted in our deeply-held faith beliefs in social justice, moral agency, and religious liberty for all. Please contact your member of Congress to support passage of the Women’s Health Protection Act so any person is able to make their own medical decisions based on their values and with the consultation of their medical team, and without barriers imposed by economic status, employment status, or zip code.

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Active Global H.O.P.E. funding appeals

Active Global H.O.P.E. funding appeals

UCC Haiti Appeal: The UCC Haiti Appeal seeks to raise $100,000 for immediate relief and longer-term recovery for thousands of Haitians reeling from the 7.2 earthquake August 14 followed by Tropical Storm Grace. More Information/How to Help.

UCC COVID Relief Appeal: In response to the growing COVID-19 crises facing many poorer countries and communities, UCC is seeking $150,000 for its COVID Relief Appeal for food, hygiene kits, personal protective equipment and other aid to the most vulnerable to reduce the virus’s spread.

UCC 2021 Severe Storms Appeal: Nearly one in three Americans lives in a county hit by a weather disaster in the past three months, the Washington Post reported on September 4. Long-term recovery and rebuilding needs will be enormous. Best way to help? Money.

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JPANet: Give Thanks and Ensure All Are Fed

JPANet: Give Thanks and Ensure All Are Fed

The “Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2021” (S.2956) bill, which was already introduced in the House as H.R. 4693, would prioritize addressing malnutrition across global health and other food systems, require robust monitoring, and authorize USAID to advance specifically targeted programs to prevent and treat malnutrition.

As a nation of plenty, we can and must do more to ensure that all are provided basic nutrition and dignity. Passage of this legislation would ultimately save lives and highlight ways that working for the common good can overcome partisan divides.

Contact your member of congress today to ask them to support the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act of 2021 (H.R. 4693/S. 2956).

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Signature-gathering locations needed for Giving Tuesday, November 30

Signature-gathering locations needed for Giving Tuesday, November 30

From Jeremy Zegas, Regional Political Organizer for Healthcare Rising Arizona:

"For Giving Tuesday, we are looking to set up a number of signature-gathering locations around the state so that we can maximize our donation to RIP Medical Debt."

Please contact Jeremy at or 480-849-4236 if your church can provide a location on November 30.

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The Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act

The Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act

The Southwest Conference has signed onto this initiative.

The Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ is pleased to endorse the Predatory Debt Collection Protection Act (PDCPA). The PDCPA is a proposed 2022 Arizona ballot measure that fights predatory debt collection in three key ways: it increases existing exemptions in Arizona law to allow more people struggling with debt to keep their homes, cars, and household goods; it protects workers wages by limiting the amount that can be garnished by debt collectors, and it helps folks with medical debt by capping the interest rate.

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Honor Our Veterans: Support the Veterans and Consumer Fair Credit Act

Honor Our Veterans: Support the Veterans and Consumer Fair Credit Act

The Veterans and Consumer Fair Credit Act (VCFCA) will establish an interest rate cap of 36% for all small dollar loans. This is an important step toward preventing harm caused by predatory lending practices. In addition, this rate cap has a proven track record. The Military Lending Act prohibits lenders from charging active-duty military servicemembers and their families more than 36% APR. The Veterans and Consumers Fair Credit Act would extend the Military Lending Act’s strong and successful interest rate cap to veterans and all Americans. It would not affect state rate caps that are lower and provide even greater consumer protection.

Take action today and urge Congress to support the Veterans and Consumer Fair Credit Act.

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