Lee's Message

As I travel and meet with church councils, search and call committees, clergy and laity in our Southwest Conference ministry settings, I experience and feel excitement, strength, and love for the United Church of Christ.  We not only say we welcome those who are not welcome elsewhere, we actually do welcome all no matter who or where they are on life's journeys. I am so proud of be a part of who and what we are in a world where inclusion, on almost every level, is rare.
It is into this setting we welcome the Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons as our Designated Conference Minister who will begin his ministry among us on January 1, 2016.  I can't wait for all of you to meet him and to get to know him.  He brings years of pastoral experience, wisdom, humor, creativity, theological perspectives for today's church, and an authentic passion for social justice.
I continue to be honored to be your Acting Conference Minister during this transition time.  My last day will be December 31st.  I commute between Albuquerque and Phoenix and find it an easier task than I thought it might  be.  Our technology age makes this possible of course.  Please do not hesitate to contact the Conference office to let anyone of us on staff  know how we can best serve you and your ministry setting.