Via The Good Shepherd UCC - Progressive Theology Seminar featuring John Dominic Crossan


February 17 & 18th, 2017 (Fri & Sat)

Dr. John Dominic Crossan will present THE CHALLENGE OF THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE/How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis through Revelation. 

John Dominic Crossan is generally regarded as the leading historical Jesus scholar in the world and the author of several bestselling books. He is a gifted speaker that combines humor with scholarly insights and skillfully engages Bible scholars and lay people alike.

He is a native of Ireland, was educated both there and in the United States. He was a member of a 13th century Roman Catholic religious order 1950-1969, and an ordained priest 1957-1969. He taught at DePaul University, Chicago, 1969-1955, and is now a Professor Emeritus in its Department of Religious Studies. 

Crossan is widely known for his work with the Jesus Seminar, for which he was Co-Chair 1985-1996 as it met to debate the historicity of the life of Jesus in the gospels. He was Chair of the Parables Seminar 1972-76, and 1993-1998 was Chair of the Historical Jesus Section within the Society of Biblical Literature. 

He has lectured widely around the world to lay and scholarly audiences and has written twenty-seven books on the historical Jesus, the apostle Paul, and earliest Christianity.

Through four comprehensive lectures, Dr. Crossan will unpack the themes of his 2015 book entitled, How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian: Struggling with Divine Violence from Genesis through Revelation. Some of the questions he will engage are:
*Is the God of the Christian Bible violent?
*Is the historical Jesus, Rider on the Peace-Donkey of Gospel, or the apocalyptic Jesus, Rider on the War-Horse of Revelation, the norm, criterion, and discriminant of the Christian Bible?
*Is the violence and disorder of our current world connected to that of the Bible?

Seminar Schedule
Friday evening: 
7 PM Registration & Refreshments
7:30 PM “Original Sin”: Sexual Temptation or Escalatory Violence?
Saturday morning
8:30 AM Registration & Refreshments
9 AM Covenantal Law: Human Destiny or Divine Sanction? 
10:45 AM God’s Kingdom: Violent Revolt or Non-Violent Resistance? 
1:30 PM Christianity’s Criterion: Historical Jesus or Biblical Christ? 

Registration Form
Please complete one form per person and print your information.
Name (as desired on name tag) ______________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
State__________ Zip Code________
email address:_____________________________________________
Friday/Saturday $60 per person _____
Friday only: $20 per person _______
Saturday only: $40 per person______
Saturday lunch: $10_____________
Make checks payable to: The Good Shepherd UCC, indicating “Crossan Seminar” on the memo line. Mail to: The Good Shepherd UCC, 17750 S. La Cañada Dr., Sahuarita, AZ 85629

For more information, call the Jackie Smith (520) 256-5826 or