Dear Friend,
Right now, the Arizona Legislature is considering SB 1377, HB 2223, and HB 2370. These proposals prey on fear and seek to spread fear, hate, and discrimination against refugees and immigrants.

We are asking Arizona faith leaders to sign onto a letter to Arizona legislators, asking them to act with moral courage and stop SB 1377, HB 2223, HB 2370 and any other anti-immigrant, anti-refugee legislation.

Will you take action today and add your name?

Should SB 1377 and HB 2223 pass, they would break trust between local law enforcement and immigrant communities by forcing them to serve as de facto immigration officials. HB 2370 would also deny refugees and immigrants access to vital resources provided by our state. By apprehending and detaining immigrants and denying access to services for both refugees and immigrants, these bills would reverse years of intentional, community-based efforts that are vital to public safety and health in communities across Arizona.
Join us now by signing onto our faith leader letter to tell Arizona legislators to reject hateful legislation that targets refugees and immigrants.
Thank you for standing with us in the fight.

In Solidarity,
Rev. Noel Andersen
National Grassroots Coordinator
Immigration and Refugee Program
Church World Service