Dear Friends,

Please read and kindly respond to this call to action.  We have received word that the Governor is considering signing a very strong Anti-Immigrant Bill, SB 1377. There is an action being planned tomorrow (Tuesday) at the capitol building and also it is important to call the Governor TODAY and let him know you urge him to VETO this bill.  

Check out the Rally Invite for 4pm at the AZ Capitol Building on Tuesday 5/3/16

Click on this link: All Out Against SB1377


Right now, Governor Ducey is considering signing Senate Bill 1377, which would discriminate against immigrants by mandating stricter sentencing simply because of someone’s immigration status. This proposal would spread fear, hate, and xenophobia. It will not make communities or cities in Arizona any safer. This legislation hurts families, denies justice, and ignores real solutions that strengthen community safety.

The faith community agrees on the moral imperative to welcome immigrants and is unified in opposition to anti-immigrant initiatives in Arizona, especially in the wake of SB 1070 that significantly damaged Arizona’s reputation and economy. Hundreds of clergy from multiple faith traditions have spoken out against SB 1377 and called on Governor Ducey to stop this bill. Proposals like SB 1377 send an unwelcoming message to immigrants who contribute tremendously to our congregations and communities. This anti-immigrant rhetoric feeds off of fear, which only drives further division within our communities and state.

Call Governor Ducey and urge him to veto SB 1377: 602-542-4331!

Here’s what you can say:

“I’m (name) from (city or county) and I’m calling to urge the Governor to veto SB 1377 and any other anti-immigrant proposals. This bill discriminates against immigrants by mandating stricter sentencing simply because someone is an immigrant. As a person of faith, I expect the Governor to stand with our communities and against politicians who want to hurt families, deny justice, and spread fear.”

Join us in calling on Governor Ducey to stop the anti-Immigrant agenda and reject SB 1377.

If you haven't already done so, please sign our faith leader letter today and speak out against these discriminatory bills!

In Solidarity,

Emrys Staton- Pastoral Intern- Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

Rev. Erin Tamayo- Arizona Faith Network