Interfaith Ramadan Challenge via The Parliament of the World’s Religions

Although Ramadan’s history and custom is specific to Islam, there are reasons that members of other faiths - and people of no faith - ought to take notice this year.

Muslims make up a significant portion of the global community, yet the Islamic holy days have not been accepted and welcomed into our cultural makeup in the same way that holidays like Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, all of which enjoy, to varying degrees, mainstream reverence and acceptance. One of the best (and easiest!) ways to understand the faith traditions of someone different than you is to observe - whether together or from afar - their holidays.

The Parliament of the World’s Religions cultivates harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities. Celebrating with our Muslim neighbors and honoring their traditions is a concrete way to cultivate such harmony. Beyond that, the traditions practiced by Muslims during Ramadan hold applications and lessons for people of all faiths.

Here are some of the ways that you can show solidarity with your Muslim neighbors and commit to the Interfaith Ramadan Challenge: