Encanto Community Church UCC 75th Anniversary

On Sunday, January 27th, Encanto Community Church will be celebrating 75 years of its ministry and service!

“Encanto Community Church was established in 1944 upon the recommendation of the Minister from First Congregational Church in downtown Phoenix. The minister believed that another congregational church was needed north of First Congregation due to the increasing population of Phoenix. Opening in 1944 with 7 members and a minister the church had expanded to approximately 17 members when it moved into our current Parrish House. The church has had membership changes throughout its life but it has never failed to minister to the community and support numerous denominational agencies and NGOs to serve God across the globe.”

January 27th, 2019:

10:00 a.m. The regular worship service will be canceled

12:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner for members and friends of ECC

2:00 p.m. Worship Commemorative Celebration with an open reception to follow