Missionary Mark Behle is coming home - and needs a car

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Mark Behle, a member of The Church of the Palms, United Church of Christ, serves the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa. For the last few years, Mark has been working in the planning office of that church and has been involved with various projects such as the textbooks for the seminary, school furniture, and school classroom construction. Prior to that, he taught math and religion at Masitise High School for fifteen years.

After almost 27 years of serving God and The United Church of Christ in Africa, Mark is coming home. It will be good to have Mark back with us! 

Mark has written and asked for some help in finding a car.

”I'm looking for a used car starting from July. Preferably a compact or subcompact (I know, not popular with The Palms demographic!), but would consider a sedan. Something in the $5-8 grand range if possible. Alternately, I would be interested in using someone's car during my church visit travels in Arizona during November. The owner would be reimbursed at whatever the current rate is (.50 cents or so) per mile less gas, etc. expenses. I would need the car on most Sundays during that month plus some weekdays probably, with the possibility of overnight trips outside the Phoenix metro area.”

Many thanks,

If you know of a vehicle or have any information Mark can use, please contact him at mark37438@yahoo.com.

Let’s help Mark Behle find a car!