Creation Care Presentation Night

6:30 – 8:00 pm on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at Rincon Congregational, Tucson


In January, the Rincon Creation Care group hosted a movie night featuring “Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution.” We learned about strides being made by towns, corporations, the U.S. Navy, and community organizations toward using renewable energy rather than fossil fuels. It was an informative and hopeful evening.

To continue the conversation and action, the Rincon UCC Creation Care group and the Southside Presbyterian Climate Change Working Group are co-sponsoring a presentation on a large-scale way to reduce the carbon emissions that are the crux of our climate crisis.

A speaker from the local chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby will tell us about the carbon fee and dividend concept that would put a price on sourcing fossil fuels and return the ensuing revenue to U.S. households. This concept was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in January 2019 as the “Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act”, co-sponsored by Republican and Democratic congress members. We’ll learn about the big benefits to the climate, the economy, and us people of this concept. We’ll discuss how we can be involved.

Any questions? Feel free to contact Rev. Karen MacDonald: