Randy Mayer Convocation Speaker at Andover Seminary at Yale Divinity School

Randy Mayer (MDiv ‘94) will speak on the theme “Grace on the Margins.”

Deeply influenced by his time studying and living in Latin America, Randy Mayer and his family moved to the Borderlands 21 years ago so he could serve as Senior Minister of the Good Shepherd United Church of Christ in Sahuarita, Arizona – 35 miles from the US/Mexico border.  Randy and his congregation have helped develop many of the humanitarian groups (Humane Borders, No Más Muertes, and Green Valley/Sahuarita Samaritans) that give food, water, and medical care to migrants in the desert – for no one should be dying in our deserts. Randy has also guided the Good Shepherd in creating the Sahuarita Food Bank, the Javarita Coffeehouse, a progressive theological lecture series, and Common Ground on the Border – a three-day cultural event using arts to foster conversation around struggles of immigration and border life. 

Randy is a 1994 graduate of Andover Newton Theological School and received his Doctorate in Ministry from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in 2012.

Click here for more details.