Church Jottings 4/13/20

The actual Earth Day anniversary is April 22, and there were going to be many events to celebrate, which of course have mostly been cancelled. 

Not to worry, though -- everything has moved online!


On April 22-24, millions of people around the world will participate in a three-day mobilization to stop the climate emergency.

Three days of action — teach-ins, musical performances, divestment, and more.

All you need is an internet connection.

sign up for information on all the action:

At First Congregational in Albuquerque, Pastor Sue asked for a video of members saying, “Christ is Risen!” “Christ is Risen Indeed!” The videos were incorporated into the Easter service and will also be used in future services this spring.  

For Easter at Rincon,  members wanted to see the faces of each other. So members were asked to snap a selfie in a fun or favorite spot- relaxing in a special quarantine chair, working in the yard or sorting Tupperware lids. Photos were shared at the end of the online service on Easter morning as a virtual fellowship time.

A former minister intern at Rincon, Pam Denzer, wrote to the office and asked if they could color some pictures for hospice patients.  She wrote:

"Most of the skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities are no longer allowing visitors.  Many won't allow even a hospice chaplain to visit their patients.  This is especially hard for dementia residents who do not understand what is going on.

So, it would be great if our church community could color pictures or write messages to not only patients, but all the residents of the homes Hospice Family Care serves.  Basically, color a picture or write a message.  Then scan it or take a photo on your smart phone and email it to the Hospice Care Consultant at  She will organize the pictures and send them out to numerous facilities they serve, either electronically or printed depending on what the facility prefers."

I don't see any reason why the SWC can't pitch in on this!

From The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita:

Diane and Lisa are offering Living Room Lunch Time Concerts on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 12:30pm   Here is how to join: go to   That is our fan page.  It helps if you like our page because then it’s easier to access and you get notifications about when they start etc.  So, please join in.  We do have fun!!! And remember to request a song.

 The direct link is:


Reverends Sandi and Dick from Congregational Church of the Valley continue sending these 3 Good Minutes each week to encourage folks and stay connected. Here's a sample:

Wednesday, April 1 - Click here to view the video

Black Mountain holds a Zoom meeting twice a week called Youth Time.  This is a time for their youth to hang together and share as well as think of ways they might do some cool acts of kindness from their homes for their neighbors.

Here's an idea I have seen in a few  newsletters:  Some churches are setting up special accounts to assist church members facing financial hardships during this shutdown period.   Stimulus checks will be arriving soon to many of us.  If you are fortunate enough to not have this crisis affect your personal income stream, consider a donation to help other church members.  You may also consider a donation to your church's general fund to make up for those who could not keep up their pledge during this time.  

Scottsdale UCC sends a prayer or poem each day to its members. Here's one I liked:

I come before you, O Lord.

As the sun rises may your hope rise up in me,

As the birds sing may your love flow out of me.

As the light floods into this new day,

may your joy shine through me.

I come before you, O Lord

And drink in this moment of peace,

That I may carry something of your hope,

love and joy today in my heart.

Amen ....

Author Unknown