Church Jottings 5/25/20

Last Thursday, for 5 minutes at 2:00pm, residents of the Beatitudes Campus came out on balconies and patios and staff came out all over campus to show appreciation for one another.

Desert Palm will hold its Vacation Bible School virtually in June with Zoom sessions for younger and older children held separately. 

Church of the Good Shepherd in Albuquerque participated in its Highway Cleanup on Tramway over Memorial Day weekend by spacing it out over several days so that each family group could clean up separately from others, observing social distancing.  Bags, grabbers, and vests were picked up from the church porch, then dropped back off for the next family group.

Rincon held a drive-by collection of care items/food on Saturday to benefit ICS (Interfaith Community Services) Food Bank and priority personal-care items for care partners of TIHAN (Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network.)

Church of the Beatitudes had a special recognition of graduates this week with a photo tribute for those graduating kindergarten, 8th grade, high school, trade school, certificate programs, college, and with graduate degrees.

In response to the surge of need of people struggling to afford groceries, Congregational Church of the Valley is collecting non perishables for Vista del Camino, a community center currently distributing to needy families. For members contributing cash, a member of the church shops each week to supplement the food donations.

First Christian Church in Las Cruces is partnering with The Border Servant Corps to gather supplies for a weekly trip up to the Navajo Nation, which is a national hotspot for the virus with a large number of our neighbors sick and dying. 

And now for a bit of levity from Paul Whitlock from Church of the Palms (edited):

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…the pastor goes to the church fridge to sneak a cookie and finds the church fridge as clean as the day it was brand new.

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…the bloopers reel for your worship services is longer than the actual video worship service. (And may be purchased for a donation).

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…grape juice in the church fridge turned to wine a long, long time ago.

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…Zoom meetings cause you to think of the Brady Bunch 

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…you pass the peace by snail mail.

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…you've replaced matching Easter bonnets and gloves with matching face masks and gloves.

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…donuts and coffee have become the body and blood of Christ and you go back for seconds…cuz…ya know…you need the spiritual blessing.

  • You know you’re a church in quarantine if…attendance is now counted by the number of Facebook views.

  • And finally, you know you’re a church in quarantine if…the idea of a committee meeting sounds fun!

In closing:

 A meditation by Rev. Nadia Bolz-Weber, shared by The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita.

 I do not know when we can gather together again in worship, Lord.

So, for now I just ask that:

When I sing along in my kitchen to each song on Stevie Wonders Songs in The Key of Life Album, that it be counted as praise. (Happy 70th Birthday, SW!)

And that when I read the news and my heart tightens in my chest, may it be counted as a Kyrie. 

And that when my eyes brighten in a smile behind my mask as I thank the cashier may it be counted as passing the peace.

And that when I water my plants and wash my dishes and take a shower may it be counted as remembering my baptism.

And that when the tears come and my shoulders shake and my breathing falters, may it be counted as prayer.

And that when I stumble upon a Tabitha Brown video and hear her grace and love of you may it be counted as a hearing a homily.

And that as I sit at that table in my apartment, and eat one more homemade meal, slowly, joyfully, with nothing else demanding my time or attention, may it be counted as communion.
