Church Jottings 1/25/2021

This week we were saddened to learn about Rev. Robert Koth's passing.  Robert worked tirelessly on the Southwest Conference Widening the Welcome Committee. Read more here.

United Church of Santa Fe celebrated a successful holiday drive by sending:

-2 carloads of hygiene supplies to the migrant center in Juarez.
-over 150 pairs of winter socks to keep the feet of Santa Fe’s homeless warm.
-100 calendars and over 400 greeting cards to their prison outreach.

The Women's Group at Desert Heritage collects bottles and cans weekly as a means to fund different outreach programs around the community. 

Rincon's Justice and Witness Ministry Team continues to work with various borderland migrant agencies, including Casa Alitas.  Casa Alitas is preparing volunteers to welcome increased numbers of asylum seekers because of changing federal guidelines.  The next volunteer orientation for Casa Alitas will be offered on Friday, January 29th from 9-11am via zoom. The orientation covers background on Alitas, safety information, covid guidelines, and volunteer opportunities, and is required for volunteering. Anyone interested in attending should contact Sarah Reed at

A Drive Thru Farewell to Pastor James Pennington of First Church Phoenix will be held on January 31, 1-3 pm, in the First Church Parking Lot.  The First Church Band will accompany the farewell celebration.  Pastor James is leaving to head the Back Bay Mission.

A contractor has been chosen to build Hope House of Sedona, a transitional housing project of Church of the Red Rocks.  Construction should be completed this year. A donor has put up $100,000 in matching funds which will complete the construction and contribute to the operating funds.  

Scottsdale UCC shared the following to celebrate last week's MLK Day and Inauguration. CLICK HERE, for "America the Beautiful, 2020 version."

Bernie paid a visit to the Labyrinth at The Church of the Palms.