Church Jottings 3/15/2021

At last year's Easter service, Rincon closed with a slideshow and song to represent “coffee hour” and gave folks a chance to see, at the time, everyone's beautiful face all together near the start of this pandemic.  Rev. Seth wants to do that again for this Easter with photos that capture people in ways that best represent the journey.

The Immigration Task Force at First Church Phoenix invites everyone to drive through their parking lot On Sunday, March 21 from 8am-10am to drop off needed medical supplies and donations to assist families seeking asylum. The donations benefit One Hundred Angels, a local volunteer group that assists asylum seekers with basic medical care. Families making the long journey to the United States from South of the Border are exposed to extreme environmental conditions, experience poor nutrition, exhaustion, dehydration, and other issues that weaken their immune systems.  Items might include Cough Drops, Vitamins, Pain relief (aspirin or ibuprofen), First Aid supplies (bandaids, Q-tips, wound care, lotions), Stomach relief (Anti-acids and over-the-counter anti-diarrheal medication), Pediasure, Baby Formula, and Gallon-size ziplock bags.

Rincon received thank you notes from Casa Alitas and the Kino Initiative for contributions to their asylum centers. These nonprofits will need all our help over the next year and more as they process asylum seekers long stuck at the border. 

On Palm Sunday, in addition to their online weekend worship and Sunday Zoom, Casas Adobes will offer an opportunity to drop by the plaza in front of the main sanctuary doors for a time of masked and safely distanced in-person self-guided prayer and contemplation to ponder the meaning of Palm Sunday and how we participate in the journey today. There will be recorded music playing, a devotional sheet with Scripture, questions, guided prayer and contemplation, and palms to take.

The Arizona Faith Network invites diverse people of faith to learn about mass incarceration of women in Arizona and throughout the country. The incarceration rate of women has been rising throughout Arizona and its impact has ripple effects throughout all of our communities. Arizona currently incarcerates women at twice the rate of other states.  Did you know Arizona has the fifth highest incarceration rate in the country?  Learn about the Criminal Justice System and efforts for reform throughout Arizona. You will hear stories from Arizona women impacted by the system. All are welcome!


First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is  exploring different ways to pray during children's Sunday School. Last week, they learned about Art as prayer. Lo and behold, they now have an opportunity to practice art as prayer by partnering with a local artist, Jennifer Thoreson, to do a "Prayer Glove" project. They will be handing out supplies for this project during a Drive and Drop on March 21 and collecting the finished gloves at the Drive and Drop on April 4. Check out the description here:

Oro Valley UCC is reacquainting everyone with the Soles for Souls project. Sole for Souls is based in Tennessee. From that location they serve the global community with direct assistance by providing new or gently used shoes to those in need or by provisioning small businesses with gently used shoes for resale. Their last collection amounted to almost 100 pairs of shoes and they are hoping to beat that this year.

Church of the Palms is rIsing money to put solar panels on the church.  Half of the $100,000 cost was donated and members and friends will raise the rest.  Estimated annual cost savings is over $9000.

Thanks for the laugh, Taos UCC!

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