Church Jottings 6/21/2021

Conference Minister Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons marched and spoke against anti-Semitism Sunday night in Tucson with Rev. Susan Valiquette (First Church Phoenix) and Rev. Drew Terry (Oro Valley) His remarks and photos are here.

First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque has embarked on a fund-raising initiative of $63,000 to install hybrid worship capabilities.  Initial receipts are $20,000 and counting!  The church will sell a gifted parcel of land with hopes of funding about half the goal.

Casas Adobes has started its fall school supply drive for Keeling School just as school has ended!  The church has supported this school for many years with supplies, tutoring, and other projects.

The National office of the UCC offers many webinars on a variety of topics.  During the slower pace of summer, take advantage of some of them!   Upcoming Webinars for this week include:

View the full calendar here for more upcoming webinars.

Shadow Rock has been helping provide care and support to Javier, an immigrant neighbor, following an injury earlier this year. Compassion and giving allowed Javier to recover from his injury and a donated bicycle made it possible for him to return to work. Giving, praying, and loving make good things happen!

The Retreat Team at Church of the Good Shepherd in Albuquerque is making plans for a team project.  Folks will be using paper (junk mail) that would otherwise be rejected and thrown out to create some beautiful cards that can be used by the Care Team to send support and prayers. Participants will use old envelopes, advertising mailers, magazines, calendars etc. 

From Church of the Palms:

Shea Darian’s ordination:

• When: Sunday, June 27, 3 p.m.

• Where: Sanctuary of The Church of the Palms

• Who: You! Call the church and make your reservations.

• Details: The SWC requirements for meetings may differ from church protocols. Check with the church for requirements.

First Church Phoenix provides volunteers for the Welcome Center on Saturdays.  The Welcome Center is averaging over 100 refugees being dropped off per day.  If anyone is interested in joining their team, please contact Jane McNamara for details.

A delivery of 5 grocery bags full of travel toiletries and some pop tabs was made to the Ronald McDonald House by Church of the Painted Hills on June 10th! Although thank yous go out to all who contributed, the church is not waiting around, and will immediately begin collecting items for the next delivery.

At their annual meeting on Sunday, June 13, 2021, the First Congregational Church of Flagstaff congregation decided to sell the building that has been their home for decades. With this momentous decision, along with the proceeds from an eventual sale, FCCF can become an even stronger progressive voice in Flagstaff, expressed in worship, community service and social justice. The church is not for sale, just the building and property. FCCF is moving to an exciting and fresh time for their little but mighty church, unburdened with maintenance costs, and in a new affordable location.


Please be prepared to follow the COVID protocols.



A bit of humor from Church of the Palms:

How hot is it?

• The cows are giving evaporated milk.

• The chickens are laying hard-boiled eggs.

• I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walkin'.

• You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.

• The trees are whistling for the dogs.

• You no longer associate bridges (or rivers) with water.

• The four seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot and ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

• You eat hot chilies to cool your mouth off.

• Your car overheats before you drive it.

• You feel a bit chilly when the temperature drops below 95.