Sun Lakes Mission Team - Lenten Giving Project

The Mission Team at Sun Lakes United Church of Christ took on a Lenten Giving Project for the members of the church. This project will benefit two organizations that the church has been supporting for many years. For the first three weeks in Lent, they collected items for UMOM New Day Centers and for the last three weeks of Lent they will collect items for Justa Center.

UMOM restores hope and rebuilds lives by providing shelter, job training, education, and health and wellness services for families and women experiencing homelessness. They serve over 800 families and 800 single women every year.

The church collected the following types of items from February 25th through the 11th of March for UMOM: Women’s Personal Hygiene Products, Infant Care items, and Cleaning Supplies.

This picture shows the truck load of items that are going to be delivered to UMOM this week. Shown in the following picture are some of the members of the Mission Team including Pastor Derrick Elliott, Pat Naive, Connie Koehler, Betty Raveret, and Stewart Thompson, the chair of the Mission Team.