On Sunday, March 19, The Church of the Palms in Sun City, AZ, with Associate Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Barb Doerrer-Peacock, commissioned its new ministry team – Doing Grief Community Healing Project and dedicated its Interfaith Chapel for Healing as the new home of the healing project.
Doing Grief Community Healing Project is a community of grievers and healers, empowering grievers to heal in mind, body, and spirit. Those of all faiths and no faith who are experiencing losses due to death, broken relationships, illness, injury, aging, trauma, or any grief-striking loss are welcome.
The project offers healing through the arts programs, contemplative worship, prayer and meditation opportunities, grief support, and grief education. (See the Spring Calendar posted here.) Rev. Shea Darian, minister and director of the project offers Healing Circle small groups and one-on-one, family, and work group spiritual direction – a confidential, contemplative speaking and listening process to discover inspiration, healing, and guidance for everyday life and relationships. A Healing Circle/spiritual direction brochure is available to download on the Doing Grief Community Healing Project page at DoingGrief.com.
Rev. Susan Princehouse, member of The Church of the Palms and healing project team member says, “We at The Church of the Palms are excited to be part of this multifaceted grief work healing ministry offered to the whole community.”
Events take place at Interfaith Chapel for Healing at The Church of the Palms, 14808 N Boswell Blvd, Sun City, AZ 85351. For more information, email Connect@DoingGrief.com or leave a message at 602-315-8480.