Jottings 7/10/2023

Several folks from Desert Garden UCC were honored to meet some of the hard working Sun City West Posse Members and share in fellowship with them.  As part of their Independence Day celebration BBQ they were able to thank them, and offer a blessing for the important community service work that they do all day, every day.

On Thursday, July 13th, Casas Adobes will offer an in-person Taize service. Music will begin at 6:20.  Taizé is a quiet, 45-minute service with gentle music, singing, subdued candlelight, scripture readings and includes time for reflection, time for silence and time for meditation.

The Rev. Julia Bartalan from Packanack Community Church in Wayne NJ made this image to commemorate the one-word prayers the Council of Conference Ministers shared at General Synod. Dr. Toni’s prayer was “grace.” “My prayer for the United Church of Christ is just-peace” was the prayer shared by Central Pacific Conference Minister and prior SWC pastor, Rev. Tyler Connoley.

First Congregational Albuquerque ministry candidate Rhonda Newby-Torres’ will face the next big step in her ordination process - an Ecclesiastical Council to be held on July 30th at 4 pm via Zoom. Here is the link to her ordination materials:

At Encanto Community Church, members are asked to “take Jesus to dinner” a couple times a month. Pick an eatery- from McDonald’s to Durant’s, and donate to the church what you would have paid to have had a meal with Jesus. 

A Second MONTHLY COFFEE HOUSE will be held on Friday July 28 from 4 – 6pm at First Congregational in Prescott.  Enjoy light beverages and snack food, socialize, nibble, play board games, listen or dance to a wide range of music. Even more entertainment possibilities to come. 

This summer, Church of the Palms has asked its members to think about the question “What makes you come alive?”  If members write up and send in their thoughts, their replies are printed in the weekly newsletter.

Reverend Drew from Oro Valley UCC has a summer plan, too. He is asking members and friends to create a short story about themselves which might include vocation, places lived, family information, volunteer or hobby interests or spiritual background. These stories will be posted in their weekly newsletter. 

Calling all creative types! The Arts Council at Church of the Beatitudes is excited about their new series: “Creative Congregants at The Beatitudes” and are looking for a logo design that will be shown during worship, in the newsletter etc. The logo should include the words “Creative Congregants at The Beatitudes.” Please email design ideas  to In the meantime, here is the lovely logo that Ida created. 

Rebecca McElfresh and Pastor Randy from The Good Shepherd had a great time in Indianapolis at General Synod.  They represented the Good Shepherd well by staffing a booth in the Exhibit Hall where they talked with people from all over the country and world about Common Ground on the Border, all of the church’s border activities, and the incredible spirit that is found at the Good Shepherd.  It was great to see old friends, meet new ones, and always cast the love a little wider.  

Please keep Rev. Marvin Morgan, interim pastor at Church of the Red Rocks in Sedona, in your prayers. He experienced some medical issues while traveling to General Synod. He & Mae will fly back to Atlanta to see his primary care physician for a follow up. 

The Scottsdale Insight Meditation group has rented Scottsdale UCC space for their weekly meditations for many years now. Their leader, Genevieve, is offering a series of classes in the fall that is open to all. The topic is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). The classes run for 9 weeks from September 19 to November 14 (Tuesdays). There will be a fee charged, but the first class is open and free.  Genevieve’s contact info is 602-910-4240; email 

In order for folks to greet Rincon’s children by name, all kids have been issued name tags!  

At a recent board meeting, First Christian Church in Las Cruces voted to list their church in the international directory of progressive churches. The other 5 listed NM churches are in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. The movement is over 100 years old and grounded in a deep understanding of biblical scholarship and contemporary science. There are 5 core tenets:

-Respect for other faith traditions 


-Social Justice

-Environmental Stewardship

-Learning and Questioning


First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque is starting an Immigrant Justice book group. Their first book is Against the Wall: My Journey from Border Patrol Agent to Immigration Rights Activist, by Jenn Budd

This week, Pastor Tina at Black Mountain UCC preached on the concept of Sabbath. To prepare, she offered her members this poem by Laura Martin, UCC clergy, who reminds us of the importance of slowing down:

Know today all you cannot repair,

So that you are free for all you can.

Let a hundred things be left undone,

For you to do the one

that matters most.

Maybe you will cross a stream and look for what lives in it.

Maybe you will cross

the expanse of your spirit

And look for what lives in it.

Maybe you will be there when the cardinal comes to drink,

Or the eyes of someone you love

turn to your face.

Maybe you will grow something or harvest something

Maybe you will make a stitch

 or let a prayer rise.

These are no simple acts.

This is your foundation.