Rev. Dr. Gloria Smith's 30-year ordination anniversary celebration

From Encanto Community Church:

On Sunday, August 20, Encanto Community Church will host a celebration of the 30-year anniversary of our Pastor Gloria’s ordination with the United Church of Christ.

Reverend Dr. Gloria Smith went into discernment as a college freshman with the United Methodist Church and graduated with a Masters of Arts in Religion. She attended Christian Theological Seminary and received her Masters of Divinity. She returned to discernment with the United Church of Christ a year later and was ordained on August 22, 1993. She served as interim minister for several congregations over the years. She later went back to school for her MBA and Ph.D. in Organization and Management.

We at Encanto are so fortunate to benefit from her years of experience, study, and ministry! We invite you to join us for cake and fellowship following Sunday worship, honoring this very special occasion!