On May 2nd, Tempe Interfaith Fellowship hosted the Tempe Day of Prayer. Tempe Mayor Cory Woods issued and read a proclamation and several local faith leaders spoke. You may recognize a few folks here…
A prayer from Pastor Talitha at United Church of Santa Fe as our churches celebrate Graduations and Other New Beginnings:
We remember our ancestors in the faith, as young people on the edge of new life and a new world. . .
Miriam, courageous and clever, not too young to protect her family.
Jeremiah, who was not too young to become a prophet.
David, chosen in spite of his youth, anointed with tasks of the future.
Esther, born to “such a time as this,” resourceful in justice.
Mary, welcoming an angel, singing a song, bearing a child.
Jesus in the temple, insisting on the adult questions, the adult answers.
Jairus’ daughter, brought back to life and possibility.
Timothy, learning from past generations, but kindling his own call.
We celebrate the gifts of all young people.
We promise to listen to them and learn from them.
We expect much and pray for God’s continuing grace in their lives. Thanks be to God!
Arizona Faith Network will host Suffering and Faith on Thursday, May 30, 7:00 - 8:30 pm, at First Church UCC Phoenix (or via Zoom). As we ask again Where is God? - as we ponder all attempts at genocide, at what is happening in Israel / Gaza today and the Ukraine, following a devastating earthquake or tidal way, or the results of climate change particularly among poorer communities, at seeing the streams of people at our border, and as individual persons when facing unexpected challenges and loss or a Covid pandemic. Hear from representatives from diverse faith traditions about how they deal with the reality of suffering in light of their faith in God or Supreme Ultimate. And what, if anything, is to be our response, our responsibility, in the midst of such suffering? RSVP
Shepherd of the Hills members Gabi and Chris Young have a special connection to the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Gabi’s grandmother and other family members live there. After days of heavy rains, mudslides, and a dam breaking, water levels rose as high as 17 feet in the capital city of Porto Alegre and in many other smaller towns and cities. Many friends who live at sea level have completely lost their homes. Others were evacuated from their high-rise apartments via kayaks and boats because the water levels rose as high as one and a half stories in their building. Of the 4.4 million people that live in the metro area of Porto Alegre, millions are without clean drinking water, including her grandmother. In addition to their personal contributions to family, Shepherd of the Hills has started a collection that will be sent to a local pastor that Pastor Rock has met for distribution.
The Rev. Gary Gard Memorial Scholarship Fund at First Congregational in Prescott supports Discovery Gardens preschoolers whose families have fallen behind in tuition payments due to unforeseen life circumstances. Recently, funds supported a young girl who had recently lost her father to suicide, allowing her to continue to attend preschool through the end of the school year and providing her with a safe, secure environment during this difficult time. The goal of this and and future scholarships is to provide a helping hand to families at Discovery Gardens temporarily struggling to cover preschool costs for their child. One or two families a month are assisted so that their preschooler’s education is not interrupted due to unexpected financial pressures.
Desert Heritage Church UCC/DOC invites all churches to the Ecclesiastical Council for Carlos Sosa at 3pm on Sunday, May 19th. If you would like to attend, in person or on Zoom, please use this link to register.
The members of First Christian Church in Las Cruces has called the Rev. Patrick Crocker to be their settled pastor. Congratulations and best wishes to Rev. Crocker and the entire congregation as they begin their journey together.
Scottsdale UCC will be experimenting with what they are calling a "Visitation Sunday." On May 26th, they are asking members to intentionally choose a church or place of worship to visit, and to share their experiences the following week in worship on June 2nd. Why? Here might be a couple reasons…
-On Pentecost, which represents the birth and growth of the church, the first believers were "sent out" with powerful blessings to encounter God in new ways.
-What do we learn from the wider church as we faithfully support and strive to strengthen our own congregation? How is God still speaking through the witness of our ministry partners?
And some things to ponder….
-Are there possible connections to collaborate with this particular church?
-What were some helpful ways that the spiritual community extended welcome to you as a visitor? Were there any barriers to the "welcome experience?"
Phoenix area churches! Be prepared to be visited!
Double Border Book Talk----Saturday, May 25, 10:00 AM sponsored by The Border Chronicles & Green Valley/Sahuarita Samaritans: Come listen to two authors talk about their recently published border books! Petra Molnar’s book, The Walls have Eyes is a chilling exposé of the inhumane and lucrative sharpening of borders around the globe through experimental surveillance technology. John Washington’s book, The Case for Open Borders, is a beautifully written, broadly accessible, and forthright argument for a solution to the migration crisis: open the gates. The event is free and will take place at The Good Shepherd in Sahuarita.
Church of the Red Rocks has been in the search process for about 30 months. With much prayer and conversation and consultation and planning and hope and, at times, anxiety, there is now a candidate that will be introduced to the congregation on May 18 and 19 with a Meet and Greet, a worship service, a Q and A time, and then a vote. Stay tuned!
The National UCC has announced a new All Church Read, offering an opportunity to seek restoration in a year faced with several global crises and an upcoming presidential election. The books are Sacred Self Care: Daily Practices for Nurturing Our Whole Selves by Chanequa Walker-Barnes, which is structured as a seven-week guide to create habits tending to the mind, body, and spirit; and Black Liturgies: Prayers, Poems and Meditations for Staying Human by Cole Arthur Riley, a collection of prayers, letters, poems, meditation questions, breath practices, and scriptures.
In March, ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative welcomed their new Executive Director, Hannah Albee. She looks forward to visiting all the collaborating congregations. You can learn more about Hannah on their website at www.abqfaithworks.org currently, ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative is looking for volunteers to be family liaisons for their newcomer program, which helps asylum seekers navigate their journey in Albuquerque.
Church of the Beatitudes just finished their annual Mother’s Day drive. Family Promise was given 39 purses filled with toiletries, make up and jewelry to help make the mothers, who are going through the program just a little bit brighter.
Family Promise helps families with children, who are experiencing homelessness, achieve independence.
Gordon Street III will deliver the main message this Sunday, May 12 at First Church Phoenix as part of Mental Health Month.
Diane Gahm and Hedy Hall of United Church of Sun City presented the Easter Sunrise Service offering of $1,144 to Mik Milem, Executive Director of Soldier’s Best Friend.
The donation would support one veteran/dog team for 2 months of training.
Soldier’s Best Friend is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization provides service/therapeutic companion dog training at no cost to our veterans while also giving Arizona homeless dogs loving homes and a meaningful mission.
Thank you for your support of this mission!