private prisons

Mass Incarceration: Punishment and Profit

Mass Incarceration: Punishment and Profit

Why abolish private prisons? The better question is why were they allowed to exist in the first place? Private for-profit prison corporations make more money for their shareholders when more people are incarcerated. The perverse financial incentives encourage mass incarceration with longer sentences, while discouraging early release for good conduct, alternatives to expensive incarceration, and rehabilitative programs that decrease recidivism.

The United Church of Christ believes “Because we are followers of Jesus, we are called to be present as ambassadors of healing, restoration and justice in jail cells, courtrooms, booking rooms, prison yards and detention centers.” There is a basic conflict of interest in profits vs. human rights.

Want to know more? Come hear John Dacey of Abolish Private Prisons discuss the impact of private for-profit prisons on our criminal justice system:

Saturday, November 9, 9:00-10:00 am

King Hall at The Church of the Palms UCC

Please RSVP by November 3!

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