News From The Churches

Desert Garden, Sun City
On March 15th, Desert Garden UCC hosted a CARD MAKING GET TOGETHER! Participants helped to create beautiful cards to celebrate the birthdays of members of their church family.

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LGBT leaders call for Phoenix city councilman to resign

LGBT leaders call for Phoenix city councilman to resign

Local civil rights leaders and politicians are turning up the heat on Phoenix City Councilman Michael Nowakowski, calling on him to resign from office immediately.

Nowakowski has ignited outrage after he was seen in a video criticizing same-sex marriage and the right of transgender people to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity.

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Investing In Our Future. Responsibly.

Investing In Our Future. Responsibly.

PBUCC Investment Committee Votes to Eliminate Oil Sands, Thermal Coal Investments
Originally Published on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 11:16

The Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Pension Boards–United Church of Christ, Inc. (PBUCC), recently voted to eliminate separately-managed (non-commingled) investments in oil sands and thermal coal.

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Bi-Vocational Ministry Conference

The upcoming Bi-Vocational Ministry In the 21st Century Conference happens April 15-16, 2016, and is sponsored by the UCC and partner denominations.  The conference will be an ecumenical gathering of bi-vocational pastors and judicatory leaders.  Your presence and the participation of pastors and judicatory officers from your denomination will enrich the conversation.

Initial registration goals have been met, registration will continue to be accepted until April 4th.  You may find additional information here [Link]

National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS

National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS

Sunday begins the National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS (March 6-13) and UCAN is leading the national effort called the Framework for Dialogue. The Framework for Dialogue brings together people living with HIV and faith leaders for dialogue and joint action to reduce and eliminate HIV stigma. You can learn more here.

Thecampaign to end HIV Stigma in the U.S. that UCAN, the United Church of Christ HIV & AIDS Network, will launch on Sunday.

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The Future of Hispanic Ministries

In September, 2015, the elected officers of the UCC Council for Hispanic Ministries appointed a team to gather opinions and insights focused on the future of Hispanic/Latino(a) Ministries and Leadership in the UCC.  As a first step, the team will launch a church-wide electronic survey inviting the participation of Latinas and Latinos across the various settings of the church.  We are deeply grateful to the UCC Center for Analytics, Data, and Research (CARD), for their support and expertise in the survey’s design. If you identify as Latina or Latino you are invited to visit to participate in the survey. Your response is needed by March 31, 2016. Thank you for contributing your thoughts to the future of Hispanic Ministries in the UCC.

NYE organizers announce update to event registration

February 25, 2016
Written by Anthony Moujaes

Organizers of the United Church of Christ’s upcoming National Youth Event are making a revision to the registration window to ensure youth participants have the first rights to register for the July gathering, before opening registration to reasonably accommodate families that hope to take part in the event.

The decision to delay family registration allows youth participants and chaperones a dedicated registration period until May 1. But in recognizing the importance of family, and understanding that an event at Walt Disney World holds a wide appeal, family members of participants will be able to register on a first-come, first-served basis beginning May 1.

"This decision to delay the registration of families for NYE until all youth have had their chance to register is one that will understandably create some anguish, anger, and pain across the life of the United Church of Christ. It is a decision that likely should have been made earlier," said the Rev. John C. Dorhauer, general minister and president of the UCC. "Because it wasn’t, plans already made by some may be disrupted. For that, I apologize. Nonetheless, this decision was made in order to maintain the integrity of a youth event that gathers once every four years, and to wisely steward our precious missional assets. I hope that any family that wants to register will have that opportunity, and that they will understand with patience and grace why it is we are asking them to give the youth and their chaperones the first opportunity to do so."

NYE was announced as a family-inspired gathering last summer. Event organizers explained that since then, there have been concerns to programming, logistics and finances which arose as a result of offering such a wide-reaching invitation. Once registration expands to families in May, the cost for each family member remains the same $549 discounted price and includes lodging and a one-day pass to one of the Disney parks. Family members who are not participating in NYE will be responsible for their own meals.

"I think it’s important to remember the only change here is delaying family registration to ensure as many youth as possible can be accommodated, and the elimination of the meals for the family registrants," said Lee Foley, chief administrative officer for the UCC. "Our main objective is to provide an event of fellowship, worship, mission and education for as many kids as possible within the confines of ever-diminished financial resources. The new NYE administration finds the original well-intended efforts are simply not consistent with the realities of the day."

Read more about the update on the NYE website.


Dear Friend,
Right now, the Arizona Legislature is considering SB 1377, HB 2223, and HB 2370. These proposals prey on fear and seek to spread fear, hate, and discrimination against refugees and immigrants.

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Music at CCOV

We are proud to announce the next concert in the Extraordinary Evening of Music series has been scheduled for Saturday, April 2, at 7:00pm. Performing that evening will be Jan Simiz, assistant principal cello for The Phoenix Symphony, Dumitru Lazarescu, second violin for The Phoenix Symphony, and Larry Loeber, principal pianist for The Phoenix Symphony. So save the date on your calendars and keep an eye on your email Inbox for further details that will follow shortly.

AZIPL: Healing Earth: An Interfaith Climate Action Fundraiser

Healing Earth: An Interfaith Climate Action Fundraiser

WHAT: A fundraising event for Arizona Interfaith Power and Light
WHEN: March 8, 2016   6:30-8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Temple Emanuel, 5801 S. Rural Road, Tempe AZ (map)
COST: $50 per person
We encourage you to gather with us to support the mission of AZIPL: to mobilize people of faith in Arizona to reduce the causes of climate change. The President and Founder of IPL, the Reverend Canon Sally Bingham, will be our keynote speaker. The program will also include an update on AZIPL plans for 2016, the SAGE award to green congregations, song, and interfaith prayers for the Earth.

It promises to be a wonderful evening of good conversation, music, wine and hors d’oeuvres.


Kindness abounds during Lent in Silver City

With the distribution of ashes on the first day of Lent, Ash Wednesday reminds us of our mortality, "from dust you came, and to dust you shall return," a prompt that life is short and to be lived to the fullest. Increasingly, that age-old lesson is taking on new meaning during the season anticipating Easter, a time which is becoming more about morality — less about what Christians give up, and more about what they are doing to be God’s church in the world.

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Being the Progressive Christian Voice in Your Community

Being the Progressive Christian Voice in Your Community

Come discover what the pastor of one of the fastest growing UCCs in the country knows about setting oneself apart as a progressive Christian in a predominantly conservative community!

Saturday, March 5th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at The Fountains, a United Methodist Church, 15300 N. Fountain Hills Blvd. in Fountain Hills. Registration (which includes a soup and salad lunch) is $40 per person (or $100 for three people from the same church). Admission is $50 at the door.

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A Message From John Dorhauer:

Cards may be sent to:
Rev. Dr. John Dorhauer
c/o United Church of Christ
700 Prospect Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 44115

Following is John's Message.

Dear Friends in Christ,

After taking a call from my brother on the ride home from work on Tuesday, and being told that my father – who had a week earlier gone into hospice – was not doing well and that I should think about getting here as soon as I can; I left Wednesday morning to be with him.

It took two days for all of his seven children to assemble, but one hour after his seventh child arrived, surrounded by his wife, children, and grandchildren, my Dad breathed his last. It was a beautiful death, with tears and laughter filling the room and lifting our hearts.

I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. They sustained us all in these hours. I also want to thank you for the permission to be here and share this amazing experience with my family. I want to especially thank the Collegium for their support; and Cheryl Williams – whose able leadership in my absence allows me to be here without fear of some very important things being left undone.

I will spend a few more days preparing funeral arrangements and burying my father. I anticipate being able to return to the office and my responsibilities sometime later next week.
I am going to remain off line until then. Cheryl will coordinate all of my continuing responsibilities.
I rejoice in the grace of God, and marvel that at my father’s passing my grief is met with such profound joy. May it ever be so.

In the abiding love of our tender Creator,

John C. Dorhauer
General Minister and President

At Sacred Space

This Sunday, 2/7/2016:

Michael Tucker Presents:
“Loving Yourself When Everything in Your World Says You Shouldn't”

Our environment is filled with illusions about what life means and falsities about who we are. From birth we are exposed to this "reality," and without questioning we accept it as truth. Included in these imaginings are ideas about our unworthiness of love and acceptance. Ignorantly, we expand on these untruths and build lives of limitation when it comes to loving ourselves.

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Food Justice, Faith & Climate Change Forum

February 10-12, 2016
University of Arizona
Environment & Natural Resources Bldg.

Launching Tucson as a UNESCO City of Gastronomy

Sponsored By:
The Center for Regional Food Studies
City of Tucson
Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona
Edible Baja Arizona
Institute of the Environment

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