Rooted: Spiritual Direction for the Resistance

Rooted: Spiritual Direction for the Resistance

Thursday, June 1, 6-8 pm, First Church UCC Phoenix

"Rooted: Spiritual Direction for the Resistance" is a new opportunity for political and social justice activists to explore the deep spiritual roots of their passion for change.  Led by Teresa Blythe and Nelson Mendoza and sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Spiritual Direction, this will be a form of group spiritual direction--confidential, contemplative and inclusive of persons from any faith tradition. 

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UCC Presence Felt in Welcoming Spirit of Santa Fe

UCC Presence Felt in Welcoming Spirit of Santa Fe

The United Church of Christ was present in full loving force for nearly three hours of testimony at a public hearing Wednesday night, as the Santa Fe City Council unanimously voted to reaffirm and strengthen the city's welcoming of immigrants and refugees. More than 20 members came to the hearing, some getting into council chambers and others standing in the overflow in the hall, many wearing their green “Love God. Love Neighbor. Love Creation” T-shirts.

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Via West Congregational Church - Shrove Tuesday

Via West Congregational Church - Shrove Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday is the last day before Lent, which is a time when people traditionally fasted and avoided food containing eggs and dairy products. Families would have a feast on Shrove Tuesday. It was a time for them to eat food that contained these ingredients so that meals would not be wasted.

Please join us as we continue this tradition.

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Via United Church of Sun City and Church of the Palms - Souper Bowl of Caring

Via United Church of Sun City and Church of the Palms - Souper Bowl of Caring

Written by Diana Graettinger - United Church of Sun City

The New England Patriots Sunday may have won what can be described as a clash of the gladiators, but the real winners were the people of Sun City.

Because Sunday February 5 also ended the weeks-long competition known as the “Souper Bowl of Caring Competition” between three area churches. More than 8,300 cans and packages of soup were collected for local food pantries. 

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Via First Congregational Albuquerque - Radical Welcome

Via First Congregational Albuquerque - Radical Welcome

First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque was mentioned in the National UCC news last week.

'God's Open Doors' in Albuquerque prominently proclaim church welcome

by Connie Larkman

Ask just about anybody in Albuquerque, New Mexico about the church with the doors and they'll know what you mean.

God's doors. Six of them. Bold and beautiful --  with bright colors and a vivid proclamation "GOD's DOORS OPEN TO ALL."

"We stole the idea for the cool doors from Westfield UCC in Connecticut," said theRev. Sue Joiner, pastor of First Congregational UCC, Albuquerque, N.M. "I loved them so much and wanted to put them up at our church because we are in such a prominent location." (Next to University of New Mexico and across the street from a local middle school.) 

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Via First Congregational Phoenix - Opens Doors for Sanctuary

Via First Congregational Phoenix - Opens Doors for Sanctuary

Vigil to Launch Sanctuary for Immigrant Families

January 26th at 5:30 PM

Phoenix, AZ – On January 25th, 2017, President Trump issued two Executive Orders related to immigration.  As part of the orders, all jurisdictions that attempt to ensure family unity within immigrant communities now risk losing federal funds.  In response, First Congregational United Church of Christ (FCUCC) makes a public declaration of sanctuary to all families facing separation because of deportation. 

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Via Revolution UCC - El Paso Interfaith Service for Dignity & Solidarity

Via Revolution UCC - El Paso Interfaith Service for Dignity & Solidarity

UCC represented at El Paso city-wide interfaith prayer service for Witness of Dignity and Solidarity

"Standing in solidarity with all those who pursue justice and work for reconciliation, we recommit ourselves to work through encounter and dialogue to advance racial equality, economic inclusion, the protection of the migrant, the rights and dignity of women, fairness in our criminal justice system, the protection of our sacred earth, and compassion for the most vulnerable among us.”

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Via Scottsdale Congregational - Welcome Rev. Carol Reynolds

Via Scottsdale Congregational - Welcome Rev. Carol Reynolds

Welcome Rev. Carol Reynolds to the Southwest Conference UCC

Carol is a Massachusetts native. Prior to this call, she was pastor of First Congregational Church in Millbury, Massachusetts, . Carol received her Master of Divinity degree from the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. While in seminary, she interned at both a local church and the memory care unit of a local retirement community. She also studied spiritual direction with the Benedictine sisters of Benet Hill Monastery. Carol is an Ordained Minister with full standing in the United Church of Christ, was ordained on January 10, 2010. In her life before ministry, Carol worked in book publishing for 20 years, holding positions in editorial, inventory management, and warehouse operations at companies in New York City and Boulder, Colorado. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English at Bethany College in Bethany, WV.

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