"What We Remember Will Be Saved"

"What We Remember Will Be Saved"

First Church UCC Phoenix hopes that some of their friends from other UCC churches who help out at the Welcome Center (and also those who don't) will join this event!

Journalist and scholar, Stephanie Saldana, is going to be in the Tucson/Phoenix area. She wrote a beautiful book What We Remember Will Be Saved: A Story of Refugees and the Things They Carry.

She follows the lives of six refugees from Syria and Iraqi, describing what they saved and how they rebuilt their lives in other countries.

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Jottings 9/18/2023

Jottings 9/18/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to see and share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 9/11/2023

Jottings 9/11/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to see and share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 9/5/2023

Jottings 9/5/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to see and share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 8/28/2023

Jottings 8/28/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 8/21/2023

Jottings 8/21/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 8/14/2023

Jottings 8/14/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 8/7/2023

Jottings 8/7/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Rev. Dr. Gloria Smith's 30-year ordination anniversary celebration

From Encanto Community Church:

On Sunday, August 20, Encanto Community Church will host a celebration of the 30-year anniversary of our Pastor Gloria’s ordination with the United Church of Christ. We at Encanto are so fortunate to benefit from her years of experience, study, and ministry! We invite you to join us for cake and fellowship following Sunday worship, honoring this very special occasion!

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Jottings 7/31/2023

Jottings 7/31/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 7/24/2023

Jottings 7/24/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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Jottings 7/17/2023

Jottings 7/17/2023

What’s happening at YOUR church? Tell us about it! Just write up an article and submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.

Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)

If you’d like us to share your Facebook posts, tag us! @swcucc is our handle.

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