Finding Grace in Grief and Family

Finding Grace in Grief and Family

By Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott

Last week, I was honored to officiate two memorial services here in Arizona. Shortly after, I traveled to Louisiana to attend my aunt's funeral—not as a pastor, but as a nephew, son, brother, and cousin. It reminded me that while we as clergy wear many hats—pastor, counselor, officiant, and comforter—the roles we hold within our own families can be the most difficult to navigate. In times of grief, we are called to lead and sit quietly with our sorrow, love, and loss.

Funerals and memorials are full of sadness, but they also bring moments of joy. We tell stories, laugh through tears, and remember what mattered most. In the South, we often say someone has "gone on to glory"—a phrase filled with sorrow and hope.

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UCC Associate General Minister searches

UCC Associate General Minister searches

Prestemon Affirmed to Serve as AGM, Co-Executive, Global Ministries

Rev. Shari Prestemon heads to General Synod 35 to be elected as the next AGM for UCC’s Love of Neighbor Ministries.

The Board voted unanimously on March 7 to nominate Prestemon, who has been leading the Love of Neighbor Ministries, a ministry she’s guided for the last 13 months as its interim executive. The final step is confirmation of her candidacy by the 35th General Synod, July 11-15 in Kansas City, where she’ll need a 60% majority of the more than 700 voting delegates.

AGM for LoC Ministries Search to Begin Again After Synod

The search committee for the role of Associate General Minister for Love of Church did not identify a candidate to recommend to the United Church of Christ Board during their March 6-8 meeting.

“Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to say, ‘No, we have not yet found the right nominee for this time and this place,’” said Julia Gaughan, UCCB chair. “I commend the Search Committee for their diligent and thorough work, and I trust that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide this Board, this Church, and the future Search Committee in the process of discernment for the next Associate General Minister for Love of Church.”

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Special Clergy Wellness Event Promoting Mental Health Awareness

Special Clergy Wellness Event Promoting Mental Health Awareness

March 31 at 3:00 p.m. ET

Ministry is a calling that requires deep emotional and spiritual commitment, but it can also bring unique mental health challenges. As clergy, it’s important to recognize what you’re feeling.

Join Dr. Barbara Livingston's Promoting Mental Health Awareness webinar to understand and become comfortable with the intricacies of mental health.

Learn about identifying signs of mental health issues; effective communication and support strategies; and fostering a culture of openness around mental health.

Register Here

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The Sacred Presence of Fellowship

The Sacred Presence of Fellowship

Visiting with clergy—whether they are actively serving, retired, or in transition—deepens our shared sense of calling. These moments remind us that ministry is not a solitary endeavor but a communal journey. Many of our colleagues, particularly those who are aging or no longer in active ministry, long for meaningful conversations and the assurance that they are not forgotten.

As we continue in our work, I encourage us to be intentional about reaching out.

Click through to read Dr. Derrick’s full article.

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Welcoming Rev. Sharon Temple to the Southwest Conference

Welcoming Rev. Sharon Temple to the Southwest Conference

As the Southwest Conference of the United Church of Christ, we celebrate the gift of community and shared ministry. With joy, we welcome Rev. Sharon Temple from the Heart of Texas Association–South Central Conference into our Southwest Conference family!

Let us extend a heartfelt welcome to our new clergy colleague. May we embrace her with open hearts, lifting her in prayer and offering our encouragement and support as she embarks on this new chapter of ministry.

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Covenant and Matching

Covenant and Matching

The Nominating Committee is on the lookout for talented individuals from churches within the Southwest Conference to join our various standing committees. Today, we're spotlighting COM B (COVENANT) and the Nominating Committee (MATCHING). 

Rich Doerrer-Peacock has all the As to your Qs—click through to read his answers to your burning questions!

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We Shall Not Be Moved, Songs of Protest, Lament, and Hope

We Shall Not Be Moved, Songs of Protest, Lament, and Hope

In this turbulent time, one thing we as church musicians can do is use music that gives congregants the chance to channel their feelings into community singing. We know the power of music to move and soothe us. What powerful songs have people used in the past? What songs are you leaning into today?

Hymn writers Adam Tice, Ana Hernández, and Hannah Brown will join Board Member Ruth Striegel for a Saturday Sharing about the work they do to bring light to our hurting world. Come and be a part of the conversation!

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Ray Phillips’ Journey Led to Serving the Southwest Conference

Ray Phillips’ Journey Led to Serving the Southwest Conference

Ray Phillips is a member of First Congregational UCC in Albuquerque. Here he shares his story about becoming active in the SWC, meeting many wonderful people, and he invites you to do the same by serving on a SWC Committee.

Please click through to read Ray's entire story!

As many readers of “In the Loop” know, Martha and I have been active not only in our church in Albuquerque but in the Southwest Conference of the UCC. Why would we get involved in the regional conference so soon after joining our church in Albuquerque? Partly because the Conference Minister of the Maine Conference of the UCC, Rev. Deborah Blood, alerted the SW Conference that we were on the way here and likely to be interested in serving at the Conference level. We got pulled in.

We on the SW Conference Nominating Committee, where I am completing my final term, strongly encourage anyone with an interest in working with wonderful people from elsewhere in our region to make a positive difference in how our churches, the Conference, and the national organization put into practice what we hold dear in our Christian faith. In this and recent issues of In the Loop we have been describing the various committees where there are opportunities to serve, and you will find a link that you can use to express your interest. I encourage you to do so. When I was invited to join the Nominating Committee, I was hesitant because I didn’t at that time know too many people beyond my home church. It has been an enjoyable learning experience and, as I leave it, I am making way for someone else to join. Will it be you?

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Mentoring Future Church Leaders

Mentoring Future Church Leaders

by Rev. Dr. Derrick Elliott, Associate Conference Minister for Authorization, Accountability, and Discernment

One of the greatest joys in my ministry and my new position with the SWC is witnessing someone discover their calling. Maybe it’s the young adult who unexpectedly leads a powerful prayer, the longtime church member who comes alive when organizing a church project, or the retiree who finds new purpose in teaching Bible study or group. (SWC Retired Clergy CoP-I’m looking at you guys!)These are the moments when we, as pastors, get to step into the role of mentor—encouraging, equipping, and walking alongside those whom God is calling into deeper service.

So often, leadership development in the church is reduced to filling empty positions: “Who can take over the finance team? Who will organize coffee hour? Who can step in to teach Sunday school?” But true mentorship isn’t about plugging people into roles—it’s about nurturing discipleship, helping individuals recognize their God-given gifts, and encouraging them to step forward in faith.

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New Mexico Conference of Churches seeking a Conference Director

New Mexico Conference of Churches seeking a Conference Director

The NM Conference of Churches is currently seeking a Conference Director who will work closely with the Board of Directors to expand the Conference’s role in our state. As a community of Christians, the ministry of the New Mexico Conference of Churches is to bring healing and hope to the people of New Mexico while striving to heed Jesus’ call for unity, justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.

 Applications are being accepted through February 28.

View the job description here.

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