The Executive Board of our Southwest Conference has the privilege and responsibility to hold in trust the values, vision, and mission of our beloved conference. This trusteeship requires them to hold our property and SWC staff in their care. It requires the capacity to make policy, create committees, oversee accountability, call meetings, and serve congregations, agencies, and called servants within our conference. Their work is an awesome work for our awesome God.
Currently, there are three positions open on the Executive Board. If you are interested in serving the Executive Board, please click here.
Nominating Committee
An important message from our Nominating Committee
Your Nominating Committee is working to provide clarity for the nominating process and the process for filling vacancies on your committees. Our conference relies on the dedication of individuals serving in crucial roles to oversee our operations and programs. The Nominating Committee is committed to identifying and placing people with the right skills and talents in these vital positions. We invite your assistance in this process.
Read MoreSWC Nominating Committee seeks recommendations
Our conference relies on the dedication of individuals serving in crucial roles to oversee our operations and programs. The Nominating Committee is committed to identifying and placing people with the right skills and talents in these vital positions. We invite your assistance in this process.
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