Youth and Outdoor Ministry Task Force

Calling all Southwest Conference folks interested  in charting a course for our spiritual formation ministries into the future! We will have an organization meeting in Phoenix at the Conference Office on Saturday, December 2, 2-4 pm.

Anyone 15 to 115 years old who is passionate about the formation ministries sponsored (or could be sponsored) by our Conference (which could include retreats, camp, work trips, resourcing churches, leadership development, etc) is invited to this organizational meeting.

If you are interested, please contact Acting Associate Conference Minister, Barb Doerrer-Peacock at

Some possible of the TASKS of this group will be:

  • Evaluating, visioning and guiding the work of the Southwest Conference in supporting, building enthusiasm for, and facilitating youth and outdoor ministries.
  •  Evaluate existing paradigms for YOM in the Southwest Conference
  •  Recommend and oversee a budget to the Executive Committee.
  •  Vision new paradigms for a new age of ways to support and help SWC churches facilitate spiritual formation and leadership development – especially for children, youth and young adults, in ways that can best be done on a conference-wide level.

This could include:

  • Ways to best conduct Camp
  • Other conference-wide Retreats or events
  • Ways to nurture leadership development and denominational identity
  • Evaluating/promoting Regional and National Youth Events
  • Assist with event and Sow the Seed promotion and interpretation

 Will be resourced by the Associate Conference Minister.