Calling all UCC youth and young adult writers

[From Rev. Trayce L, Stewart, Minister for Youth and Young Adult Engagement, Faith INFO (Faith Education, Innovation, and Formation)]

As we take to the task of revamping the youth and young adult ministries of the national UCC setting there are several projects that are in the works. One of those is to offer a 2019 Lenten devotion which will be available for download early next year. I am seeking a total of 46 writers between the ages of 12 and 30 (give or take a year or two) and trying to reserve half of those spaces for youth and young adults of color to highlight our commitment to diversity. I am reaching out to you to see if you can 1) provide names and contact information of individuals who may be interested and able to write a devotion and 2) can circulate this request to those in your networks.

Over the next few weeks I will be working to secure the names of our writers and will then follow up with additional information (particular biblical text, desired length of the devotion and deadline) hopefully by Nov. 1st and will be looking for devotions to be turned in just after Thanksgiving to give enough time for editing and working with our graphic designer.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out and I thank you for your help in securing these names and making our first devotional a great success. | 216-736-3870