Celebrate one of our own

Mark Behle has served Global Ministries, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the United Church of Christ faithfully for thirty-three years and is finally concluding his service. The last terms have been with the Lesotho Evangelical Church in Southern Africa where he worked with the church in Maseru as planning officer. Mark’s home church is in Arizona at Church of the Palms UCC, Sun City.

As a part of the [Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)] Arizona Regional Assembly, we will be celebrating Mark’s service in Tucson, Arizona at Saguaro Christian Church with a Global Ministries lunch at noon on Saturday, November 3. If you would like to attend the lunch celebrating Mark’s service, please send an email to Cathy by Wednesday, October 31 and we will add your name to the RSVP list. If you would like to attend the whole assembly, there are some wonderful speakers and it should be an inspirational weekend. Registration for the assembly can be found at ra.azdisciples.org.