Upcoming HEALTHY MINISTRY MODULES for FALL 2018 and Beyond

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Part of the ministerial covenant and oversight for authorized ministers in the UCC is to keep current on trainings for healthy boundary awareness in our relationships and ministry practice. In the Southwest Conference, we continue to “try out” our “Healthy Ministry Module” format for these trainings, in order to meet the various needs of clergy in our wide geography and diverse settings.

The fall line-up for our Boundary Awareness Modules: 

MODULE 1: Boundary Awareness Fundamentals,  Nov. 5, 9am – Noon

Location: Redemptorist Retreat Center, Tucson (Pre-Clergy Retreat)


MODULE 2: interpersonal Relationships, Nov. 7, 10:30-2 pm

Location: Redemptorist Retreat Center, Tucson (Post-Clergy Retreat)


MODULE 3: Finances, Resources and Work,
Dec. 3, 9 a.m.–12 p.m.

Location: SWC Conference Office in Phoenix

MODULE 4: Technology & Social Media,
Dec. 3, 1–4 p.m.

Location: SWC Conference Office in Phoenix


MODULE for Retired Clergy: 
Best Practices and Parameters for Clergy in Retirement
Dec. 14, 10 a.m.—2 p.m.

Location: United Church of Sun City
Cost $15; no book required, includes lunch



Do I need to take the modules in order?  No. The modules are now designed as stand-alone sessions that can be taken in any order.

Do I need to purchase a training book?  We will refer to Faith Institute’s Student Book #201. You are required to have one with you during the modules. We’ve been using the #201 for the last few years. If you have it, you can bring the one you have. If you don’t have it, then you’ll need to purchase one for $20 at the training, and use it for future modules.

How do I know if I’m due for Boundary Training? With the modular system, our cycle of renewal has changed.  Everyone is now on a “Years 3 and 8”  cycle.  That means that each year that ends in 3 or 8 (i.e. 2018, 2023, 2028, etc) begins a new five-year cycle for all clergy in the SW Conference.  Within each 5-year cycle, all clergy must complete all the Healthy Ministry Modules. Four are offered this year, but beginning next year two more will be added to make SIX modules to be completed by the end of 2022: Four on Boundary Awareness, one on Bias/Prejudice/Discrimination Awareness, and one on Diversity Competency.

What happens if I transfer to another conference?  The records of the modules you have completed will be part of your ministerial file.  You are considered up to date anytime before Dec. 31, 2022, or 2027, etc. as long as you completed the modules in the previous 5-year cycle. If it has been more than 5 years since you took any training, the receiving Conference may require you to take training as soon as possible.  If you suspect that you may be leaving your current position and possibly transferring conferences, it might be wise to take all the modules as soon as possible.

How do I know what’s coming up for trainings and where they will be held? The schedule for 2019 will be available by the Clergy Retreat.  Within the 5-year cycle, all modules will be offered at least once or twice in each major geographic center: Phoenix, Tucson, and Albuquerque. Three times during the cycle, a block of the four boundary training modules will be offered during a Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon. Beyond that, each module will be offered individually every year, at varying times.

Can I take Boundary Training from another denomination? Yes, you can take an approved training from another denomination. You must submit to the SWC a copy of your certificate of completion.

How can I keep track of what modules I’ve completed?  You will receive a certificate of completion at the end of each module. We advise you to keep that in a file, or tuck it into your Boundary Student book. You can also contact ACM Barb Doerrer-Peacock for an update or with any questions.



While the dates and locations may still be tentative, here’s what we’re planning for 2019:

  • BLOCK of Modules 1-4: in Albuquerque, from 1 pm-Friday to 4 pm-Saturday in FEBRUARY sometime. Details TBA.

  • MODULE 1: September 12, Phx at the Conference Office, 9-Noon

  • MODULE 2: September 12, Phx at the Conference Office, 1-4 pm

  • MODULE 3: October 28, Tucson, at Redemptorist Center, 9-noon

  • MODULE 4: October 30, Tucson, at Redemptorist Center, 10:30-2 pm

  • NEW MODULE 5: Diversity Compentencies: Phoenix at the Conference Office, March?

(Module 6: Bias/Prejudice/Discrimination Awareness, will be offered in 2020, and Modules 5 and 6 may alternate each year).